TORONTO – On October 22, St. Margaret’s Mary Roman Catholic Parish in Woodbridge, led by Father Rory Grayda, celebrated its 65th anniversary with a gala evening.
TORONTO – The number of people using food banks across Canada rose to all-time highs earlier this year, with high inflation and low welfare rates being cited by Food Banks Canada as key factors in the increase.
TORONTO – A former cynical colleague of the NDP persuasion once shared this nugget of truth in a friendly political discussion over coffee: democracy is nothing more than a ten-minute exercise in casting a ballot at elections. He could have added… for those who care. Monday’s province-wide participation rate of a mere 27% suggests that not many do.
TORONTO – The municipalities of Ontario fear that the new housing legislation adopted by the Province could unload excessive burdens on the municipalities themselves and on taxpayers. The bill presented Tuesday by Ontario Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing, Steve Clark, would, in fact, reduce and / or exempt from taxes that builders would have to pay in order to build. →
TORONTO – La polizia aveva in mano gli strumenti necessari per affrontare l’occupazione di Ottawa? La domanda chiave, sulla quale nella sostanza ruota attorno tutta la commissione d’inchiesta federale sull’utilizzo da parte del governo della legislazione d’emergenza lo scorso febbraio, è risuonata ieri per la prima volta durante la deposizione di Robert Bernier, il sovrintendente di polizia incaricato di coordinare gli sforzi delle forze di sicurezza per contenere la protesta nel centro storico della capitale canadese… Read More in Corriere Canadese >>>