Day: 2 November 2022

Lecce: “Negotiations? Only if you call off the strike”

TORONTO – While the government goes ahead to pass the Keeping Students in Schools Act as soon as possible, Education Minister Lecce uses an iron fist with the Canadian Union of Public Employees. Any counter-offer proposed to the government must include the cancellation of the strike scheduled for Friday. “Take the threat off the table and let’s talk about it – said Lecce at a press conference – we were very clear. We are ready to negotiate with those who wish to do so as long as Friday’s strike is called off. We will not accept a strike, neither this Friday nor on any other day.” 

Canada: 548 sexual abuse in schools in five years

TORONTO – Even one case, only one, of child sexual abuse in a school setting would be extremely serious. Well, from 2017 to 2021 such cases in Canada would have been 548. “At the very least,” says the disturbing report made by the Canadian Center for Child Protection, calling for action by the federal government in this regard, given the incredible number of reports of sexual abuse within schools in Canada.

“I manifestanti non volevano occupare l’area di fronte al parlamento”

TORONTO – Gli organizzatori del Freedom Convoy, o almeno una parte di essi, non volevano occupare l’area di fronte al parlamento. È quanto dichiarato ieri da Chris Barber (nella foto sopra) durante la sua testimonianza davanti alla commissione d’inchiesta sull’Emergencies Act di Ottawa. Barber, considerato come una dei capi della protesta che ebbe luogo per diverse settimane nella Capitale, ha descritto ieri le circostanze che portano il convoglio nel cuore di Ottawa… Read More in Corriere Canadese >>>