TORONTO – The Ford government and CUPE, the union representing Ontario’s education workers, are on a collision course: today the government hastily approved (it’s happening while we are writing), the controversial decree law prohibiting strikes while tomorrow, not caring about the ban, the 55,000 union members are crossing their arms.
TORONTO – The board of trustees at the Toronto Catholic District School Board is one totally “screwed up“ organization or it is led by some incompetent, malicious staff. For three years, both have been pursuing one of their trustees with a vengeance characteristic of a bitter hatred that frankly we thought was absent from Canadian society. So, what happened?
TORONTO – The average price of a home in Toronto has remained virtually unchanged over the past two months: the market seemed to be on standby, due to a sharp drop in new listings. In fact, the latest data from the Toronto Region Real Estate Board (TRREB) shows that the average sale price across all property types was $ 1,089,428 in October, up from $ 1,086,762 in September. Prices remain down 5.7% from the same period last year, while October is the third consecutive month with little or no change in TRREB’s benchmark index. →
TORONTO – Una sfida tra stelline azzurre in rampa di lancio per una promettente carriera. È quanto in programma domenica 13 novembre alle 10am, nel suggestivo campo di Arezzo, sotto gli occhi e la conduzione di uno staff composto da Mike Piazza, Michele Gerali, Alberto D’Auria e Rolando Cretis ai quali si uniranno alcuni coach provenienti dagli Stati Uniti…
TORONTO – Informazioni d’intelligence passate sottobanco dalla polizia ai manifestanti, lotte intestine per il controllo delle donazioni, ripicche, accuse e veleni…