Day: 3 November 2022

Homes in Toronto: prices stable, but the market is at a standstill


TORONTO – The average price of a home in Toronto has remained virtually unchanged over the past two months: the market seemed to be on standby, due to a sharp drop in new listings. In fact, the latest data from the Toronto Region Real Estate Board (TRREB) shows that the average sale price across all property types was $ 1,089,428 in October, up from $ 1,086,762 in September. Prices remain down 5.7% from the same period last year, while October is the third consecutive month with little or no change in TRREB’s benchmark index. 

Baseball, Future Stars Game: sfida tra le stelline azzurre

TORONTO – Una sfida tra stelline azzurre in rampa di lancio per una promettente carriera. È quanto in programma domenica 13 novembre alle 10am, nel suggestivo campo di Arezzo, sotto gli occhi e la conduzione di uno staff composto da Mike Piazza, Michele Gerali, Alberto D’Auria e Rolando Cretis ai quali si uniranno alcuni coach provenienti dagli Stati Uniti… Read More in Corriere Canadese >>>