TORONTO – Without even waiting for the decision of the Ontario Labour Relations Board to which it had turned to declare illegal the strike of the Canadian Union of Public Employees (CUPE), the Ontario government has made a U-turn. Today, during a surprise press conference, Premier Ford announced the decision to revoke the controversial Keeping Students in Class Act “provided that the union agrees to end the strike and continue to negotiate”.
TORONTO – Intelligence officials have warned Prime Minister Justin Trudeau that China has targeted Canada with a broad campaign of interference, which also includes funding a clandestine network of at least eleven federal candidates running for the 2019 election: the news was published today by Global News, with an article by investigative journalist Sam Cooper on the news agency’s website. →
TORONTO – Da tempo, ormai, medici e infermieri chiedono ai vari governi provinciali di intervenire in modo massiccio per risolvere l’emergenza che affligge il sistema sanitario in ogni zona del Canada: pazienti senza più un medico di famiglia, emergency rooms prese d’assalto, carenza di personale negli ospedali…
TORONTO – È guerra aperta tra il governo dell’Ontario e il Canadian Union of Public Employees (CUPE)…