OTTAWA – The federal government failed to spend $38 billion, last fiscal year, intended for promised programs and services, including broadband Internet, new military equipment, affordable housing, veterans support and services to the Natives. The “excuse” is that of delays and interruptions due to the Covid-19 pandemic, but the reality is that unspent funds have played an important role in lowering the deficit: in the year ending March 31, 2022, in fact, Canada ran a deficit of $90.2 billion, $23.6 billion less than budgeted for. →
TORONTO – Recessione alle porte, lotta all’inflazione, fondi per la sanità, budget primaverile. Saranno questi i temi dominanti alla House of Commons nelle prossime settimane, con il parlamento federale che oggi riapre dopo la lunghissima pausa invernale e con le opposizioni pronte a dare battaglia al governo guidato da Justin Trudeau…