TORONTO – Começamos nossa série sobre os candidatos que disputam o cargo para presidência da Câmara Municipal de Toronto. Até 11 de Maio, tinham-se registado 79 pessoas como candidatos para estas eleições. Não poderemos dar a todos eles a cobertura que eles desejam.
TORONTO – HATE is “le mot du jour”. The vocabulary of the woke tars those in disagreement with “practitioners” of that nebulous ideology as haters. A recent province-wide election concerning the governance structure of more than 57,000 lawyers and 10,000 paralegals practicing in Ontario produced some interesting results.
TORONTO – The “mystery” of Chinese threats to conservative deputy Michael Chong, who was allegedly targeted by Beijing (him and his family) for anti-Chinese positions, is becoming more complicated. Now, after “the omelette is done” (the federal government expelled Chinese diplomat Zhao Wei on Monday, China reacted by expelling Canadian consul Jennifer Lynn Lalonde on Tuesday), all three national security advisers and intelligence officers who worked for Prime Minister Justin Trudeau in 2021 told Global News they have no recollection of receiving a top-secret intelligence assessment prepared that year on Beijing targeting Conservative MP Michael Chong and his family in Hong Kong. →
TORONTO – L’aveva detto prima di candidarsi e l’ha ribadito lunedì sera, nel corso di un incontro con la NEPMCC, National Ethnic Press and Media Council of Canada: nelle prossime ore, Mitzie Hunter si dimetterà da parlamentare provinciale dell’Ontario per potersi dedicare ancora più intensamente alla campagna elettorale che la vede impegnata nella corsa alla carica di sindaco di Toronto…