গত ১৯ জুলাই টরন্টোর ইয়র্ক ইউনিভার্সিটিতে ‘উচ্চতর শিক্ষায় বৈশ্বিক বৈষম্যের গুরুত্ব’ বিবেচনায় অ্যাসোসিয়েশন অব কমনওয়েলথ ইউনিভার্সিটিজ (আকু) আয়োজিত যে সিম্পোজিয়ামটি অনুষ্ঠিত হয়েছে, সেখানে ঢাকা বিশ্ববিদ্যালয়ের উপাচার্য ড. মো. আকতারুজ্জামান মাসাধিককালে বাংলাদেশস্থ কানাডিয়ান হাই কমিশন থেকে ভ্রমণ ভিসা না পাওয়ায় আপাতদৃষ্টিতে সেটির লক্ষ্যচ্যুতি ঘটেছে।
TORONTO – Esiste davvero il rischio di una crisi di governo sull’onda lunga dello scandalo delle interferenze cinesi? È questa la domanda che sta alimentando il dibattito politico canadese dell’estate 2023, con il governo federale che va avanti per la propria strada e con le opposizioni che rumoreggiano ma che non si muovono concretamente per costringere l’esecutivo a fare chiarezza una volta per tutte…
TORONTO – Fortunatamente, i canadesi non hanno bisogno di vivere la realtà di una “guerra da fuoco” come quella in Ucraina o i furiosi disordini civili che assomigliano a una, come in Francia. Siamo isolati da queste realtà dalla distanza, dal comportamento dei nostri manifestanti e dagli argomenti che apparentemente motivano il dibattito e le percezioni canadesi…
TORONTO – Happily, Canadians need not live the realities of a “shooting war” like the one in Ukraine or the raging civil unrest that resembles one, as in France. We are insulated from those realities by the distance, the demeanour of our protestors and the topics which apparently motivate Canadian debate and perceptions.
TORONTO – What we have been smelling in recent weeks in Toronto is not just the “smell of smoke”. There is that acrid “aftertaste” of plastic and, unfortunately, it’s not just an impression: experts confirm it. →