Month: August 2023

Comment économiser des milliards de dollars de l’argent des contribuables? En rendant notre bureaucratie plus productive et plus efficace

Le sénateur Loffreda écrit sur la nécessité pour le gouvernement de réduire ses dépenses liées à la fonction publique et de trouver des moyens de rendre la bureaucratie fédérale plus productive et plus efficace dans la prestation de ses services et programmes aux Canadiens. Il souligne la nécessité pour les parlementaires de tenir le gouvernement responsable de ses projets de dépenses.  (more…)

How Can We Save Billions of Dollars of Taxpayers’ Money? By Making Our Bureaucracy More Productive and Efficient

Senator Loffreda writes about the need for the government to trim its expenses with respect to the Public Service and find ways of making the federal bureaucracy more productive and efficient in the delivery of its services and programs to Canadians.  He stresses the need for Parliamentarians to hold the government accountable for its spending plans. 


First Canadian case of new COVID-19 variant confirmed in British Columbia

VANCOUVER – First case of the new highly mutated variant of Covid-19 in Canada: health officials in British Columbia, the province where the case was detected, announced on Tuesday. The presence of the variant, dubbed BA.2.86, has indeed been confirmed in the Fraser Health region and involves a person who had not traveled outside the province, according to a joint statement by provincial health officer Dr Bonnie Henry and the Minister of Health. Healthcare of British Columbia, Adrian Dix. “So far there appears to be no increase in severity of this strain of Covid and the individual is not hospitalised,” the same statement read.  (more…)

CORRIERE CANADESE / Incendi e temperature record: la BC soffoca

TORONTO – Mentre gli incendi attivi in British Columbia sono ancora 395, inclusi 12 che rappresentano una minaccia per la sicurezza pubblica, ampie porzioni della provincia continuano a “soffocare” a causa delle elevate temperature. Environment Canada afferma che le temperature si spingeranno nuovamente vicino od oltre i 30°C in alcune parti del distretto regionale di Peace River e della municipalità regionale delle Montagne Rocciose settentrionali… Read More in Corriere Canadese >>> 

CORRIERE CANADESE / No all’arbitrato, l’Etfo non esclude lo sciopero

TORONTO – “La nostra pazienza sta per finire”. Lo ha detto la presidente della Elementary Teachers’ Federation of Ontario (Etfo) Karen Brown. Respingendo l’invito del ministro dell’Istruzione Stephen Lecce di accettare l’arbitrato e di fatto rinunciare a scioperare, il sindacato che rappresenta gli insegnanti elementari e gli operatori del settore educativo della provincia, ha affermato di aver presentato domanda di conciliazione al ministro del Lavoro… Read More in Corriere Canadese >>>