TORONTO – Olivia Chow is playing all the “cards” at her disposal to restore Toronto’s budget: after the meeting with the premier of Ontario, Doug Ford, and the “deal” with the Province that should allow the City to obtain aid from Queen’s Park, today she went to Ottawa for a series of meetings with political leaders, federal ministries and NDP colleagues, including the party leader, Jagmeet Singh, in the hope of finding valuable support to guarantee greater funding for Toronto, dealing with an increasingly short of money. →
TORONTO – Two citizen delegations went before the Board of Trustees for the York Catholic District School Board (YCDSB) on Tuesday night. Their presentations and outcomes should stimulate people to involve themselves further, if as a society we are to survive the culture wars the crazies have foisted on us.
TORONTO – Conservatori in fuga, liberali in caduta libera. È questa l’istantanea scattata da Ekos Research nella quale viene confermato il tracollo del partito del primo ministro Justin Trudeau nelle intenzioni di voto. Una vera e propria Caporetto, che non solo conferma le difficoltà già evidenziate dai sondaggi degli ultimi quattro mesi ma che invece mette in luce una vera e propria crisi dei grit nell’elettorato canadese…