TORONTO – If a provincial election were held today, Doug Ford’s Progressive Conservatives would probably win with 40%, obtaining a majority government, followed by the Ontario Liberals and the NDP, joint second with 24%. The Greenbelt scandal has not, therefore, affected the premier’s approval. On the contrary: if the vote had been held a month ago, the Progressive Conservatives would have obtained 34%, so in recent weeks the popularity of the premier’s party even increased. →
TORONTO – The Toronto Preservation Board (TPB) has the role of keeping elected municipal council “informed” on community “values” (heritage, historical, etc.), defined in legislation and by-laws, relative to properties which may receive application for development. It met for a second time in a week, on October 16, at Etobicoke York Community Council on issues related to 3100 Weston Rd.
TORONTO – È una crisi infinita. I centri di accoglienza operano a pieno regime e con l’arrivo della stagione invernale si registrerà un aumento della domanda. “La Città sta assistendo a una pressione sul sistema dei rifugi senza precedenti”, ha detto il general manager of Shelter, support, and housing administration della City of Toronto, Gord Tanner (nella foto sopra), durante una conferenza stampa che ha illustrato il piano del comune per sostenere coloro che non hanno una casa durante l’inverno…
TORONTO – I governi federale e dell’Ontario investono quasi 1 miliardo di dollari in uno stabilimento di componenti per batterie per veicoli elettrici nell’Ontario orientale. Si tratta dell’impianto Umicore da 2.761 miliardi di dollari – come riferisce Global News – a Loyalist Township, che costruirà materiali catodici attivi e materiali catodici precursori…