TORONTO – One hundred million dollars($100,000,000) sounds like a lot of money, so one “should not look a gift horse in the mouth”. Unless, that gift horse was yours initially and is now being returned in pieces. Before anyone comes across as ungrateful, lets acknowledge [minor] victories for the side, when they occur.
TORONTO – The federal government of Canada has obtained a first, historic result in the battle waged for almost a year against the giants of the web to force them to finance the Canadian media that publish news online effectively providing free professional journalistic content to search engines and to social networks: Google has in fact agreed to pay 100 million dollars a year “in exchange” for the contents that newspapers feed to the people of the web. →
OTTAWA – When Media and Government become obsessed with the “big issues of the day” (war s in Ukraine and the Middle East, etc.) the country can be forgiven for thinking nothing else matters. Instead, Non Governmental Organizations (NGOs) and Parliamentarians of all political stripes work feverishly to keep awareness of other international issues current…
OTTAWA – Quando i media e il governo diventano ossessionati dalle “grandi questioni del giorno” (guerre in Ucraina e in Medio Oriente, ecc.), il Paese può essere perdonato se pensa che nient’altro abbia importanza. Invece, le organizzazioni non governative (ONG) e i parlamentari di tutti gli schieramenti politici lavorano febbrilmente per mantenere attuale la consapevolezza su altre questioni internazionali…