Day: 22 December 2023

Accessibilità economica ed edilizia agevolata: le prossime sfide del governo

Il Senatore Loffreda scrive sulla crisi dell’accessibilità degli alloggi in Canada e condivide alcune delle raccomandazioni di un rapporto che la Commissione Bancaria, Commercio ed Economia del Senato ha recentemente pubblicato sull’argomento.

“I senzatetto non si ritrovano senza casa a causa dei loro antenati, della loro salute mentale, delle loro dipendenze, o perché vivono in povertà. Sono senza una fissa dimora perché non ci sono abbastanza alloggi a prezzi accessibili nelle loro Comunità”.

Hammering Away at Housing Affordability: Recommendations from the Senate

Senator Loffreda writes about Canada’s housing affordability crisis and shares some of the recommendations from a report that the Senate Committee on Banking, Commerce and the Economy recently published on the matter. 

“People who live without a house are not homeless because of their ancestry or because of mental health or addictions or because they live in poverty.  They are homeless because there is not enough affordable housing in their community.” 

Cogner sur le clou pour régler la crise du logement: Recommandations du Sénat

Le sénateur Loffreda écrit sur la crise de l’abordabilité du logement au Canada et partage certaines des recommandations d’un rapport que le Comité sénatorial des banques, du commerce et de l’économie a récemment publié sur la question. 

« Les gens qui vivent sans logement ne sont pas sans abri en raison de leurs origines, de problèmes de santé mentale ou de toxicomanie, ou parce qu’elles vivent dans la pauvreté.  Ils le sont parce qu’il n’y a pas assez de logements abordables dans leur collectivité ». 

Dundas Square, 3 million dollars to change a name. Iacobelli writes to Nunziata and the Councillor advocates for residents of York – South Weston

TORONTO – “Toronto’s city council has made the stupid and tax payer wasteful decision to change the name of Dundas Square. It will cost at least 3 million dollars, when the city is already in debt. Of course, by then, the figure will surely be much higher. But that doesn’t faze the city councillors. The important thing is to make woke decisions and to virtue signal…”: Lou Iacobelli wrote this letter on the blog “Everyday For Life Canada”, explaining that “the name Dundas was taken from the 18 century Scottish politician Henry Dundas. Who was Henry Dundas you ask? The man was an abolitionist who actually worked to end the slave trade and actually helped to bring an end to slavery. But not fast enough, for the comfortable and woke of today who just want to send out the right moral signals. Toronto’s politically correct elites will not let history, facts or truth get in the way of their progressive narrative…”. 

CORRIERE CANADESE / Covid-19: casi in aumento, scatta l’allarme

TORONTO – Pensavamo di essercelo lasciato alla spalle, ma il Covid-19 nelle sue innumerevoli varianti continua a farsi sentire. Nelle ultime settimane in Canada abbiamo assistito a un’impennata di casi, con l’aumento delle ospedalizzazioni e dei ricoveri in terapia intensiva. Certo, siamo lontanissimi dalle fase più acute della pandemia registrate soprattutto nel 2020 e, in tono minore, nel 2021, ma anche questo inverno dovremo fare i conti con i rischi rappresentati dal coronavirus. Fatto sta – come ha confermato la Chief Medical Officer Theresa Tam – checon l’evolversi della stagione del raffreddore e dell’influenza in Canada, si sta verificando un aumento dei casi di Covid-19 anche in molte province, in particolare in Ontario e Quebec… Read More in Corriere Canadese >>>