Month: January 2024

CORRIERE CANADESE / City Hall ancora a caccia di risorse: tassa per gli stranieri che comprano casa

TORONTO – Continua la disperata caccia di nuove risorse a City Hall. Con un buco di bilancio che sfiora l’1.8 miliardi di dollari e con la presentazione alle porte del budget lacrime sangue di Olivia Chow (nella foto sopra) – il documento sarà portato in consiglio comunale domani – l’amministrazione cittadina sta cercando di aumentare gli introiti per fare cassa… Read More in Corriere Canadese >>> 

OECTA declares war on the YCDSB

TORONTO – The Catholic teachers union OECTA declares war on its members’ employer: the York Catholic District School Board. The president of the York Catholic Teachers, Mike Totten, has in fact sent a very harsh letter to trustee Frank Alexander, “guilty” – according to Totten – of having presented a motion, being discussed at today evening’s board of trustees, to overcome the divisions caused, in recent months, by requests to fly flags in YCDSB schools other than those recognized by all, in particular the one of the 2SLGBTQIA+ community.