Day: 14 January 2024

Meanings of Life and Purposes of Organizations

TORONTO – We are a lay newspaper, reporting on human behaviour, analyzing motivations, explaining contexts and evaluating “values” – if any – generated by those dynamics. Leaders and organizations, formal and informal, typically assume (or are given) the privilege of codifying the philosophies and ideologies that define the criteria for membership in their organizations and confer dignity on the journey of Life. One can follow other philosophies or seek to implement other ideals, but, then one cannot claim membership in that (RC) organization.

Immigration Minister: “International students, a system out of control”

TORONTO — Canada’s international student immigration system is “out of control.” You can expect such a statement from a member of the opposition. Instead, a minister said so. And not even just any minister: the federal minister of Immigration, the one who should be the director of that “control”: Mark Miller. But his words actually sound like an accusation towards those who preceded him in the Ministry of Immigration: his cabinet colleague Sean Fraser. Bad vibes in Trudeau’s government…