Month: January 2024

CORRIERE CANADESE / Interferenze politiche straniere, iniziano le udienze pubbliche

OTTAWA – Inizieranno questa settimana le udienze pubbliche dell’inchiesta federale sull’ingerenza straniera nelle elezioni canadesi e nelle istituzioni democratiche. Il commissario Marie-Josee Hogue inizierà a presiedere la prima fase aperta dell’indagine nazionale, alla quale si è arrivati dopo un lungo percorso e nonostante la riluttanza del governo federale… Read More in Corriere Canadese >>> 

Politics absent Morality, Ethics, Ideology and Culture

TORONTO – Our readers will know that these last two weeks the world and this country have been gripped by issues that challenge every pre-conceived notion of what is “wrong” or “right” in our societies. Those pressures are contesting long-held positions of a free press, as partisans/advocates for one side or the other lay claim to the “High Ground” and, in the process, engage in the demonization of those holding a different viewpoint. Moreover, they are calling into question the very basis for the authority to pass judgements.