Month: May 2024

CORRIERE CANADESE / Inflazione mai così bassa negli ultimi tre anni, vicino il taglio dei tassi

TORONTO – Inflazione mai così bassa in Canada da tre anni a questa parte. La conferma è arrivata ieri dal rapporto mensile di StatCan che mette in luce come il costo della vita ad aprile sia sceso dal 2,9 al 2,7 per cento: un dato questo che lascia ben sperare in vista del prossimo annuncio a giugno da parte di Bank of Canada relativo al probabile taglio dei tassi d’interesse… Read More in Corriere Canadese >>> 

“Beautiful Rebel”, biopic of Gianna Nannini

TORONTO – Well before Gianna Nannini, with her raspy rock vocals, belted out these evocative lyrics for the Italia ’90 anthem, she was entertaining global audiences with her edgy, melodic pop rock – Italian style. Her unique personality and her music always carried the sent of rebellion, always a whisper of dissatisfaction and a morose quality, which according the film drove her creative pursuits forward. 


Doubts on the Speaker’s neutrality: “Greg Fergus must resign or face non-confidence”

OTTAWA – He just can’t help but be partisan, according to the opposition: Greg Fergus, the speaker of the House of Commons (who should be super partes), has “in fact added another one to the previous tests of his partiality”: a “Summer evening with the Honorable Greg Fergus”, scheduled for 4 June and promoted by the Liberal Party of Canada. His party. (more…)