Month: May 2024

CORRIERE CANADESE / Accampamento, attesa la decisione del Tribunale

TORONTO – Quella di ieri era una calma apparente. Da un lato i manifestanti filo-palestinesi che non hanno alcuna intenzione di lasciare il campus dell’università di Toronto, dall’altra l’ateneo che spera in una ingiunzione da parte della Superiour Court of Justice per poter smantellare l’accampamento allestito dagli studenti il 2 maggio. L’accampamento, ha fatto presente il rettore della U of T, “sta causando un danno irreparabile all’istituzione”… Read More in Corriere Canadese >>> 

Being or Becoming: Citizenship with Religious Purpose

TORONTO – It is a hostile world. From when our mothers first introduced us to Nature’s light, we, and those around us, struggle to define our essence, our Being. It does not take long to discover that the struggle concerns what and who we Become. It is a path which course is replete with pitfalls, disappointments and successes. In Nature, observers tend to refer to the process as the ‘survival of the fittest’. 


The Republic of Rose Island and Italian Ingenuity

There is a relatively unknown Italian Engineer who was the subject of the recently produced Netflix biopic, titled “Rose Island”. Italian director Sydney Sibilia explained that he stumbled upon the Engineer’s accomplishments after seeing a Wikipedia photo of the infamous Rose Island Platform (in the pic above). Giorgio Rosa was a maverick Engineer in the 1960s who designed a telescopic pillar system – which he patented – and preassembled on a beach before floating it 12 kilometers off the coast of Rimini, Italy. Simply put, he created his own island. 
