Month: May 2024

CORRIERE CANADESE / Deportazione di massa all’orizzonte

TORONTO – Non invidio il compito del Ministro Miller, responsabile per l’Immigrazione, i Rifugiati e la Cittadinanza canadese (IRCC). Nientemeno che il primo ministro Trudeau, una settimana fa, a Winnipeg, ha annunciato l’arrivo, in tempi brevi, di un “piano” di deportazione [di massa] progettato per ripristinare le politiche di immigrazione del Canada. Non sono stati forniti altri dettagli, a parte l’ammissione che “alcune persone” avevano “strumentalizzato il sistema per proprio uso e consumo”Read More in Corriere Canadese >>> 

Mass Deportation on the Horizon

TORONTO – I do not envy the task of Minister Miller who is responsible for Immigration, Refugee and Citizenship Canada (IRCC). In these next few weeks, according to none other than Prime Minister Trudeau, a week ago, in Winnipeg, who announced a “plan” for [mass] deportation designed to reset Canada’s immigration policies. There were no details other than admissions that “some people” had been “gaming the system”. 


CBSA towards strike: border disruption expected during summer

TORONTO – Unions representing thousands of “border” workers (i.e. from the Canada Border Services Agency – CBSA) expect disruption at airports and land crossings this summer, after the majority of the agency’s members voted in favor of the strike: to be precise, 96% of the members of the Customs and Immigration Union (CIU) and the Public Service Alliance of Canada (PSAC) voted “yes”.  (more…)