TORONTO – Politics being what they are in Canada, the slightest perception of “faltering” is inflated to demonize and aggrandize the nature of the weakness: a sniffle becomes full-blown pneumonia. Alas, the phenomenon is not exclusive to Canada.
TORONTO – There is little to add about the event which the Consulate General of Toronto and the Centre for Culture sponsored at the ROM, Sunday evening, which our own Mariella Policheni had not already covered in her interview with prof. Olga Zorzi-Pugliese, June 21, 2024 (Il ROM porta la firma italiana: conferenza di Olga Pugliese sul mosaico del museo). More than three hundred people jammed the Theatre at the ROM to hear the “story behind the story”: how humble workers and artisans from Italy contributed to the cultural enhancement of Toronto’s (and Canada’s) burgeoning society.
TORONTO – Ordem Equestre do Santo Sepulcro de Jerusalém, Canadá – Tenência de Toronto (EOHSJ), é uma instituição leiga colocada sob a proteção da Santa Sé. Suas raízes remontam aos tempos da Primeira Cruzada no século XII, daí a sua “tradição” militar.
TORONTO – This month saw five emerging filmmakers from Puglia showcase their films in Los Angeles, namely the NFMLA Monthly Film Festival. The “NewFilmmakers Los Angeles” Film Festival runs monthly, and has been providing a platform for budding international talent for fifteen years, awarding cash grants through various programs and initiatives.
VAUGHAN – Il governo canadese sta avviando un processo di consultazione su come affrontare l’“eccesso di offerta” di veicoli elettrici di fabbricazione cinese – comprese le potenziali tariffe – nel mercato globale: …