TRENTON (Ontario) – Of course, I said yes when the Consul General, Luca Zelioli, invited me to join him at the Trenton Air Force Base for a show by the renowned Italian Air Force’s “Frecce Tricolori”. I had seen them with my children and my parents when I was making my way in public life, in 1986, when they put on a show over the Canadian National Exhibition, so many long years ago. They thrilled my family then… I would have said yes, even if he had not also indicated that Col. Stefano Pietropaoli, the contingent’s Commanding Officer, would make himself available for an interview with the Corriere Canadese.
TORONTO – Opening night at ICFF screened Saverio Costanzo’s period drama “Finalmente l’Alba” – one of seven Italian films that competed at the 80th Annual Venice Film Festival. Its trademark Italian nostalgia and tragedian romance was perfectly enveloped by the Distillery’s historical aesthetic. Hundreds of overhanging lights twinkled like stars over the Distillery’s main square, emitting a soft ambient glow – perfect for the evening’s overcast.
TORONTO – In Ontario, building contractors and developers are among the biggest beneficiaries of the bureaucracy-cutting measures introduced by Premier Doug Ford’s government: thanks to him, they have saved hundreds of millions of dollars a year in costs. This is what emerges from a CBC investigation which, however, in fact confirms what Ford himself had promised to do: reduce bureaucracy as much as possible to facilitate the construction of new cases. →
TORONTO – I parrocchiani di San Davide a Maple celebrano 15 anni di dedizione: Un addio al loro amato parroco…
TRENTON (Ontario) – Ogni esibizione è un successo: anche a Trenton, Ontario, le Frecce Tricolori hanno entusiasmato le migliaia di persone presenti all’air show andato in scena nel weekend…