Month: July 2024

Destruction comes like a thief in the night

TORONTO – On July 2, I received an e-mail inviting me to stroll by Lawrence Ave. W. at the Columbus Centre and to “feast [my] eyes on a smallish sign (see below) and what it proposed”. What I saw was a mound of rubble, tangled steel and tree branches awaiting relocation (see below). Had I not known better, I might have confused the experience with pictures describing the outcome of raids in Ukraine or Gaza. This is all that remains of 25 Convent Court (the Convent) nestled behind 70 Playfair Ave. (the former Dante Alighieri Academy). The Convent site, one hundred metres south-west of Lawrence and Dufferin, was central to the development of that part of the [Borough/City] of North York, now Toronto. 


“La Chimera” brings the invisible to life

TORONTO – It’s no coincidence that “La Chimera’s” cast includes the illustrious Isabella Rossellini, of Neo-Realist royalty – Roberto Rossellini being her father and the father of the artistic movement [Neo-realism] in film. The quest to construct films naturalistically began in the 40s which saw Italian filmmakers, initiated by Rossellini’s “Roma Citta Aperta”, flauntingly avoid the artifice of studio-made films with an almost cultish dedication to realism. 


CORRIERE CANADESE / Carceri-lager per gli immigrati: la causa milionaria va avanti

TORONTO – Carceri-lager in Ontario: è vero o no? Le accuse mosse in una class action contro condizioni di detenzione definite “disumane” avranno probabilmente una risposta, positiva o negativa, perché la Corte Superiore di Giustizia dell’Ontario ha respinto tutte le quindici obiezioni sollevate dagli avvocati del governo che cercavano di fermare il procedimento… Read More in Corriere Canadese >>>