Month: July 2024

Those in need should not be so pretentious

TORONTO – Brazen and in-your-face, that sums up the international diplomatic style of Israel’s Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. It works for him. Friends of Israel – there are some; just not in the country’s vicinity – must cringe at the mere thought that “Bibi” is coming to town. Think of the enormous security costs the host has to absorb to accommodate him and the disruption to their own agenda (maybe, just maybe, their own national interests have some validity) they undergo to hear his habitual refrain: “we are your border guards; give us more weapons, more quickly to do our job for your benefit”. 


Ancient Rome returns to Hollywood

TORONTO – It’s been twenty-five years since Russell Crowe wooed audiences as a Roman General-turned-slave, and now Hollywood is returning with a sequel to the Oscar winning epic. Unfortunately none of Gladiator II was shot in Italy, due to logistics. This comes as no surprise to Tarak Ben Ammar, the head of Italy’s biggest Film Distributor (Eagle Pictures), who recently warned that Rome’s Cinecitta’s studio space is booked a year in advance. 


CORRIERE CANADESE / Polemiche sulle schede elettorali Usa

TORONTO – Chiamatemi pure cinico, ma ho smesso di credere che in politica accadano “eventi imprevisti”, a meno che non siano eventi naturali che possono abbattersi sui “migliori piani di topi e uomini”. Non sono nemmeno un teorico della cospirazione. In questo contesto, ciò che si sta svolgendo nel processo elettorale americano avrà un impatto “a cascata” sul Canada e altrove… Read More in Corriere Canadese >>>