Month: August 2024

CORRIERE CANADESE / L’annuncio di Justin Trudeau: “Stop ai lavoratori stranieri sfruttati”, ma non a quelli che servono al Canada

TORONTO – Giro di vite sull’immigrazione temporanea: il governo federale liberale guidato da Justin Trudeau ha annunciato, ieri, una drastica riduzione del numero di lavoratori stranieri temporanei a basso salario, a partire dal prossimo 26 settembre, a vantaggio dei lavoratori canadesi. Come? … Read More in Corriere Canadese >>> 

A Classic Horror Story revisits Giallo Films

TORONTO – Fans of the Italian Horror subgenre known as “Giallo Films” might view “A Classic Horror Story” as a pastiche of the 1960s murder mystery films. Giallo films were highly stylized and usually ultraviolent for their time – enjoying a heyday from the mid 60s to the late 70s. Filmmakers like Argento, Bava and Fulci who made films like “Suspiria”, “Blood and Black Lace” and “Zombie” arguably paved the way for the American Slasher films of the early eighties – and later the 90s neo-noir films of Tarantino and De Palma.