Month: October 2024

CORRIERE CANADESE / Banco alimentare, richieste record di cibo

TORONTO – È un triste traguardo quello raggiunto dalle banche del cibo canadesi. Food Banks Canada, dati alla mano, afferma di aver registrato oltre due milioni di visite a marzo 2024, quasi il doppio delle visite mensili di cinque anni fa a marzo 2019 e il sei percento in più rispetto alla cifra record dell’anno scorso. Il suo sondaggio annuale sull’uso dei banchi alimentari in Canada mostra che la rapida inflazione, i costi degli affitti e gli insufficienti supporti sociali stanno causando povertà e insicurezza alimentare… Read More in Corriere Canadese >>> 

Half a million dollar donation to “SickKids” hospital from Minturno Social Club

TORONTO – Generous donation to the SickKids Foundation to support the children’s hospital: the Minturno Social Club, last Saturday – during a party held at the Jewel Event Center in Woodbridge – presented a check for half a million dollars to meet the highest priority needs of the Hospital for Sick Children in Toronto, thereby helping “SickKids” continue to provide world-class pediatric care, research and education. 

Pierre Poilievre: “Axe the sales tax on homes”

TORONTO – Abolish the federal sales tax on “sustainable” new real estate construction, to reduce mortgage costs and speed up home construction. The proposal was launched today by Conservative leader Pierre Poilievre: at a press conference in Ottawa he announced that, if elected prime minister, he would cut sales tax on new homes sold for less than $1 million.