TORONTO – While almost a third of the world’s population celebrated Christmas last week, a seemingly equal amount of cinephiles, historophiles and antiquarians were sent into a frenzy over Christopher Nolan’s new film announcement – The Odyssey. According to Universal’s statement on X, the British filmmaker’s next project “Is a mythic-action epic shot across the world using brand new IMAX film technology. The film brings Homer’s foundational saga to IMAX film screens for the first time and opens in theaters everywhere on July 17, 2026”.
TORONTO – The most “powerful” passport in the world is Singapore’s, the only one that allows entry into 195 countries (out of a total of 227) without any prior Visa; Italy, which until last year shared this record with Singapore and Japan, France, Germany and Spain, falls to third place “losing” two countries (from 194 last year to 192 this year). But things are worse for Canada which, with 188 “Visa-free” countries, remains seventh, a position where it has fallen for some years after being, in 2014 (one year before the beginning of the Trudeau-era), in second place. →
TORONTO – Sono parole allarmanti quelle del presidente dell’Ontario Medical Association (OMA) Dominik Nowak sulla carenza di medici in Ontario. “La situazione è destinata a peggiorare prima di migliorare”, afferma senza giri di parole…
TORONTO – La minaccia terroristica in Canada “è raramente stata più alta”, secondo un rapporto pubblicato ieri e realizzato dalla società “Insight Threat Intelligence” (ITI) presieduta da Jessica Davis, ex analista del Canadian Security Intelligence Service e di Global Affairs Canada…
TORONTO – “In questo momento a Ottawa persiste una mancanza di leadership”. A rilevarlo ieri durante una conferenza stampa è stato Doug Ford, che ha messo in luce un nervo scoperto e che ha sottolineato come, allo stesso tempo, il Canada si stia trovando a negoziare con gli Stati Uniti in una posiizone di chiaro svantaggio…