MAPLE – Under crisp January skies, the Catholic community of Maple witnessed a momentous milestone on Saturday, January 11, 2025. At 1 p.m., more than 150 attendees, including Bishop Boussonneau, prominent government dignitaries, and several benefactors, gathered at the Church site at Major Mackenzie Drive and Thomas Cook Avenue for the long-awaited Soil Turning Ceremony.
TORONTO – ” “I’m going to defund CBC. Yes, I am going to do it. Very quick” …Conservative leader Pierre Poilievre, who according to all polls will be Canada’s next prime minister, has returned to talk about the mega-public funding to the CBC, confirming, in an exclusive interview with the Toronto Sun a couple of weeks ago, that as soon as he is elected he will take away $1 billion a year from the television network owned by the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation, the national public broadcaster.
TORONTO – Irrespective of perceived merit in holding one political view or another, the structure, the integrity of political Parties, their membership and their Leadership often speaks to the values held by the country writ large.