TORONTO – Filmmaker Silvio Soldini, best known for his warm-hearted romantic comedy Bread and Tulips (2000), will soon be back in theatres with something much darker – The Tasters. This will be the director’s German language debut, an adaptation of Rosella Postorino’s International best-selling novel “At the Wolf’s Table”. The Calabrian author, Postorino, won the prestigious Campiello Prize, the Luigi Russo Prize and the Rapallo Prize for the 2018 work, titled Le Assaggiatrici. →
TORONTO – The experts had predicted it, and unfortunately they were right: the annual rate of inflation increased last month (February), rising to 2.6%, from 1.9% in January. Statistics Canada announced it today, noting that the end of the GST/HST suspension (the tax on commercial goods, suspended by former Prime Minister Justin Trudeau before Christmas, until February 15), contributed “notable upward pressure to prices for eligible products”. →
TORONTO – There is no better feeling than sitting at a bar patio for lunch in Sicily with friends. Old or new, there is a magic in the air in Sicily that brings laughter and familiarity among a group of people sitting around the table… Read More in Corriere Canadese >>>
TORONTO – Non c’è sensazione migliore che sedersi al patio di un bar per un pranzo con gli amici in Sicilia. Vecchio o nuovo, c’è una magia nell’aria in Sicilia che porta risate e familiarità tra un gruppo di persone sedute attorno a un tavolo… Read More in Corriere Canadese >>>
FERIDHOO (Maldive) – Ars gratia artis, ma non sempre è così. Perché a volte l’arte ce l’ha uno scopo, un’utilità pratica. E non stiamo parlando di un messaggio politico-sociale, oppure morale. Ma di un obiettivo concreto, pratico… Read More in Corriere Canadese >>>