Day: 25 March 2025

Canada’s judgement day: April 28

TORONTO – Day three and our federal election is already puzzling, to say the least. Normally, elections are a judgement on the performance and accomplishments of the ‘exiting’ administration, resulting in reward or punishment. It is typically “about the facts” – events that have happened, if the outcome matters to anyone, and who deserves the blame or the credit. 

The Rules of Love, Italian Style

TORONTO – In 2006, screenwriter Marco Gianfreda wrote a short film Tana Libera Tutti, in which a six-year-old boy yearns to be noticed by a classmate named Flavia. That film earned him a David Di Donatello nomination in the cortometraggio category, and a promising platform from which to launch his screenwriting career. Fast forward almost 20 years later and Gianfreda is now directing his first film, Tre Regole Infallibili, which centers around an adolescent boy courting a girl – yet again – named Flavia.