Canada, a place of refuge not a staging site for proxy wars

TORONTO – The Public Inquiry Into Foreign Interference in Federal Electoral Processes and Democratic Institutions featuring the PM, Justin Trudeau, on Wednesday, must classify as a most egregious example of diversionary tactics by any government in modern times, or an admission of helplessness in the face of [now] uncontrollable transfer of peoples and cultures onto Canadian soil. 

Canada is embroiled in a diplomatic spat, this time [again] with India. Over the last ten years – more specifically, over the last five – Asia has replaced Europe as the source of immigrants: the Orient, Southeast Asia, the Philippines.

Over 40% of immigrants originated from Southeast Asia enriching Canada with cultures and peoples who are as diverse in history, religion, values and complicated relationships with their place of origin as any Europeans who preceded them here. Some Sikhs – a religious group originally from the Punjab in northern India – harbour an irreconcilable perspective for a separate Khalistani (Sikh) State. They are neither secretive nor reticent about openly advocating their cause… from Canada.

In 1985, several such activists, defined as variously as extremists and/or terrorists, executed a plan to drive home their point (read the article here: when an Air India flight blew up over Ireland causing 329 passengers and crew to die.

Suspects were hunted down: some “executed” by police in India, others tried [and for various reasons] and released after the costliest judicial process in Canadian history, according to the article cited above. Some elements of the Canadian Sikh community rallied around them. The activism continued unabated. “Free Khalistan” insignia and flags continue to dominate manifestations of Sikhism in various communities in Canada and elsewhere.

Last year, a leader from one such Sikh community, in Surrey, B.C., was killed – execution style. A default response accused the Indian government of engaging in “extra-judicial executions” on foreign soul. That has escalated to accusations of “state-sponsored” terrorism, expulsions of diplomats and threats of economic retributions. Everything is someone else’s fault.

“It is a Canadian thing.” Those with an even cursory awareness of Canadian history may recall how, at the time, the on-going threats and activities by Fenian raiders (Irish radical, revolutionaries operating from Northeastern USA) designed to disrupt the British Empire in North America became a major impetus for the Confederation of British North American Colonies – Canada. The criminal/revolutionary element (perspective is determined by which side had earned “our” support) of Irish political activists and their incursions/interference in Canadian and American political affairs remained a reality until the Sein Fein, the political branch of the IRA (Irish Republican Army) was “legitimized” in recent times.

Not every ethnic group can cite equal treatment from “Canadian” authorities. At the outbreak of World War II, Canadian government acted “proactively” against what it may have perceived to be negative influence within our borders. In enacted The War Measures Act, 1940, to declare Italian Canadians to be Enemy Aliens to justify the incarceration of more than 700 individuals (men primarily) without laying charges of sedition, betrayal, terrorism or anything related to the War. In some communities with a heavy Italian presence, the RCMP made daily visitations to Italian household “to check on everyone”.

Today, according to an authority no less significant than the PM, Canadian institutions, democracy and citizens are threatened by foreign states which use their former citizens to influence our Canadian political infrastructure. I will feel safer when he makes public the individuals so corrupted.