Justine Addesa’s beautiful voice conquers “The Heart of the Matter”

TORONTO – On Thursday, February 1st, the exhibition opening of “The Heart of the Matter” was held at the Joseph D. Carrer Art Gallery in the Columbus Centre and there was a live performances by Strings trio and vocalist Justine Addesa.

“The Heart of the Matter” exhibit features twenty artists working with a range of media, each bringing their own unique and personal perspective to the event’s theme which is an attempt to answer the question: what do we carry in our hearts?

Justine Addesa (in the video above, her performance) is a Grade 12 vocal student at Cardinal Carter Academy for the Arts in North York. 

Justine began singing as part of a children’s choir when she was 8 years old.  After many years vocal training and consistent practicing in classical music as she become the fabulous vocalist.

Attendees at the exhibition opening on Thursday night were able to experience the comforting, captivating and powerful sounds of Justine.

As Justine high school vocal program comes to a close after six years she hope to continue her passion for singing with a choir while attending university in the fall.

Justine Addesa and her quartet: they are available for events and concerts

Disappointing Canada: over 15% of immigrants leave the country

OTTAWA – More than 15 per cent of immigrants who arrived in Canada from 1982 to 2017 ended up leaving the country within twenty years. That’s what emerges from a new study by Statistics Canada. According to the report, first and foremost, the likelihood of a new immigrant leaving reaches its highest probability in the first few years after admission, with those three to seven years earlier most likely to leave. This reaches a peak of around 1.4% in the fourth and fifth years, then begins to decline until after 15 years, when it fluctuates between 0.6 and 0.7%.  Continue reading

Sénateur Loffreda: “Réflexion sur mon double héritage en tant que fier Canadien d’origine italienne”

Le sénateur Loffreda partage avec nous sa chronique mensuelle. Pour sa première chronique de 2024, le sénateur a choisi d’écrire, exceptionnellement, un long article dans lequel il réfléchit sur son héritage de Canadien d’origine italienne et revient avec tendresse sur sa plus récente visite en Italie l’été dernier pour participer à la Marche pour le Mémoire et la Paix en l’honneur de nos soldats canadiens qui ont participé à l’opération Husky en 1943. La visite du sénateur a également coïncidé avec l’inauguration d’un nouveau centre communautaire à Muccia et d’une nouvelle résidence étudiante à l’université de Camerino pour laquelle la communauté italo-canadienne avait collecté des fonds après les tremblements de terre de 2016 qui ont frappé l’Italie. En bas de l’article, une galerie photo de la visite du sénateur en Italie. 

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Il Senatore Loffreda: “Riflessioni sulla mia doppia eredità di orgoglioso Italo-Canadese”

Il Senatore Loffreda condivide con noi la sua rubrica mensile. Per la sua prima rubrica del 2024, il Senatore ha scelto di scrivere, eccezionalmente, un lungo pezzo in cui riflette sulla sua eredità di canadese di origine italiana e ripercorre con affetto la sua ultima visita in Italia l’estate scorsa per prendere parte alla Marcia per la Memoria e la Pace in onore dei soldati canadesi che parteciparono all’Operazione Husky nel 1943. La visita del Senatore è coincisa anche con l’inaugurazione di un nuovo centro sociale a Muccia e di una nuova residenza studentesca presso l’Università di Camerino per la quale la comunità italo-canadese aveva raccolto fondi dopo i terremoti del 2016 che colpirono l’Italia. In fondo all’articolo, una fotogallery del viaggio del Sentore in Italia. 

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Senator Loffreda: “Reflecting on My Dual Inheritance as a Proud Italian Canadian”

Senator Loffreda shares with us his monthly column.  For his first column of 2024, the Senator opted to write, exceptionally, a long piece in which he reflects on his heritage as a Canadian of Italian descent and looks back fondly on his most recent visit to Italy last summer to take part in the Walk for Remembrance and Peace in honour of our Canadian soldiers who participated in Operation Husky in 1943.  The Senator’s visit also coincided with the inauguration of a new community centre in Muccia and a new student residence at the university in Camerino for which the Italian-Canadian community had raised funds after the 2016 earthquakes that struck Italy. At the bottom of the article, a photo gallery from Senator’s visit to Italy.  Continue reading

CORRIERE CANADESE / Il CSIS conferma le interferenze cinesi, si apre anche un fronte iraniano

TORONTO – Mentre prosegue la prima fase dell’inchiesta pubblica sulle interferenze straniere in Canada, spunta un rapporto top secret, ottenuto da Global News, secondo il quale la Cina avrebbe cercato di influenzare le ultime due elezioni federali e nel quale si afferma che il governo canadese “deve fare di più” per combattere le interferenze straniere… Read More in Corriere Canadese >>>