Mercato immobiliare, nel 2022 i prezzi sono aumentati dell’8,6 per cento

TORONTO – Il mercato immobiliare della Greater Toronto Area ha registrato una stabilizzazione nel 2022 rispetto ai livelli record del 2021. Nonostante i cali sia nel livello delle vendite sia nei costi medi, il 2022 si è chiuso con un netto aumento nel valore delle unità abitative a Toronto e dintorni: in tutto il rialzo rispetto al 2021 è stato dell’8,6 per cento. Nella Gta, infatti, nell’anno appena concluso si è registrato un prezzo medio 1.189.850 dollari rispetto a 1.095.333 del 2021. Questa crescita si è basata su un forte inizio d’anno, in termini di aumento dei prezzi anno su anno mentre il ritmo di crescita si è moderato dalla primavera del 2022 in poi, per poi registrare una contrazione significativa nell’ultimo trimestre dell’anno… Read More in Corriere Canadese >>> 

“Santo subito”: l’omaggio dei fedeli al Papa Emerito Joseph Ratzinger

CITTÀ DEL VATICANO – Si sono messi in fila sin dalle 5.30, nell’atmosfera surreale di una Piazza San Pietro avvolta da una fitta nebbia e blindata dalle forze dell’ordine, per partecipare alle esequie del Papa Emerito. Alle 9.30, ora (italiana) di inizio dei funerali di Ratzinger, erano oltre 50mila i fedeli presenti per l’addio a Joseph Ratzinger, insieme a delegazioni dei diversi Paesi… Read More in Corriere Canadese >>> 

“Santo subito”: the homage of the faithful to Pope Ratzinger

VATICAN CITY – They lined up from 5.30am, in the surreal atmosphere of St. Peter’s Square shrouded in thick fog and armored by the police, to attend the funeral of the Pope Emeritus. At 9.30am, the (Italian) time when Ratzinger’s funeral began, over 50,000 faithful were present to bid farewell to Joseph Ratzinger, together with delegations from various countries.  Continue reading

Più della metà dei canadesi vuole un altro leader del Partito Liberale

TORONTO – Il Partito Liberale dovrebbe darsi una nuova leadership prima delle prossime elezioni. È quanto pensa poco più di un canadese su due, secondo l’ultimo sondaggio pubblicato dalla Nanos, nel quale si mette in luce come sia crollata la fiducia dell’elettorato canadese nei confronti del primo ministro Justin Trudeau (nella foto sopra)… Read More in Corriere Canadese >>> 

Stamani i funerali di Benedetto XVI: tutti i dettagli e la diretta streaming

CITTÀ DEL VATICANO – È il giorno dell’ultimo saluto a Benedetto XVI, il Papa Emerito Joseph Ratzinger, scomparso il 31 dicembre scorso: stamani, alle ore 9.30 (le 3.30 della notte in Ontario), in Piazza San Pietro si svolgeranno i funerali presieduti da Papa Francesco che ieri, durante l’udienza generale, ha ricordato Ratzinger come “grande maestro di catechesi” dal pensiero “acuto e garbato”, invocando poi il suo aiuto per “riscoprire in Cristo la gioia di credere e la speranza di vivere”. Applausi e cori: ‘Benedetto santo subito’, hanno scandito alcuni fedeli presenti… Read More in Corriere Canadese >>> 

Tens of thousands of faithful for a last farewell to Ratzinger: tomorrow the funeral presided by Pope Francis (with a precedent in 1802)

VATICAN CITY – Tomorrow is the day of last farewell to Benedetto XVI, Pope Emeritus Joseph Ratzinger, who passed away on December 31st: at 9.30am Italian time (3.30am in Ontario), the funeral will take place in St. Peter’s Square, presided over by Pope Francis who today, during the general audience, recalled Ratzinger as a “great teacher of catechesis” with “sharp and polite” thinking, then invoking his help to “rediscover in Christ the joy of believing and the hope of living”. Applause and choirs: ‘Benedetto santo subito’ (saint immediately), chanted some of the faithful present.  Continue reading

Joseph Ratzinger,
Cardinal and Pope. RIP

TORONTO – Today’s Media and Press cannot resist succumbing to the temptation of finding fault with any and all things Catholic, even as the Vatican prepares to bid its last adieu to one of Catholicism’ leaders. Backhanded compliments abound. I will not speak ill of the deceased, especially in the case of the former Pope Emeritus.

I knew Pope Benedict XVI only by reputation, that is, only by the reputation attributed to his views and leadership by commentators who had the means and desire to impart their passing impressions on the rest of us.

But I did see him in person…once. It was on a cold and overcast day, April 8, 2005, uncommon weather in Springtime for Rome. Along with Prime Minister Paul Martin, eleven MPs (including Cabinet Ministers), one Senator and the Grand Chief of First Nations (Phil Fontaine), I was among the privileged one million plus attendees outside the entrance of Saint Peter’s Basilica for the funeral of the recently deceased [Saint] Pope John Paul II.

Joseph Cardinal Ratzinger was the Celebrant. We waited in St. Peter’s Square from 7:00 AM until the soon to be Pope Benedict XVI began the funeral at 11:00 AM. The Mass lasted a full two hours. As members of an official “State delegation”, my colleagues and I were afforded the luxury of folding chairs to relax any discomfort over the six-hour open-air event.

Five million and more other attendees spread over the piazzas of Rome had only their faith and their respect for the Pope to give them strength. An estimated two million Catholics had made the trek from Poland to pay their last respects to their hero.

No wonder, from my perspective, Pope John Paul II was the key political dynamic in the dissipation of the Cold War tensions that threatened world peace following WWII, and the integration of new political dynamics following the break-up of the USSR. That dissertation is for another day.

The inheritor of that narrative was Pope Benedict XVI, the first German pontiff in one thousand years. Irrespective of his personal social views (it is important for any leader to have them), his election as Pontiff will always be associated with the philosophical and moral rectitude associated with the concept and the act of Reconciliation everywhere.

For Canadians, it is especially significant that he invited leaders of our Aboriginal communities to Rome (including Phil Fontaine) to embark on the ways and means to mitigate and resolve the negative impacts of Residential schools.

During his papal mandate, the Church also recognized and named her first Aboriginal Saint, the Lily of the Mohawks – Saint Kateri Tekakwitha.

But he was above all, a humble and compassionate man who recognized his limitations and who admitted when he could bear no more. The papacy was and continues to be more important than any one individual. He was humble enough to say: “This has been more than enough for me; Lord let this cup pass from my hands”.

He resigned and stepped aside. Tomorrow the Universal Church and the World say goodbye and RIP to Joseph Ratzinger the man and Benedict XVI the Pope.