Premier Ford offers to withdraw Bill 28, students go back to school tomorrow

TORONTO – Without even waiting for the decision of the Ontario Labour Relations Board to which it had turned to declare illegal the strike of the Canadian Union of Public Employees (CUPE), the Ontario government has made a U-turn. Today, during a surprise press conference, Premier Ford announced the decision to revoke the controversial Keeping Students in Class Act “provided that the union agrees to end the strike and continue to negotiate”. 

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China would have covertly funded eleven 2019 election candidates in Canada

TORONTO – Intelligence officials have warned Prime Minister Justin Trudeau that China has targeted Canada with a broad campaign of interference, which also includes funding a clandestine network of at least eleven federal candidates running for the 2019 election: the news was published today by Global News, with an article by investigative journalist Sam Cooper on the news agency’s website.  Continue reading

Di Sanzo: “Noi eletti all’estero faremo la nostra parte”

TORONTO – I parlamentari eletti all’estero sono pronti a fare la loro parte in questa nuova legislatura. Lo assicura Christian Di Sanzo (nella foto) durante un’intervista concessa al Corriere Canadese, nella quale il neo deputato eletto nella ripartizione Nord e Centro America sottolinea come sarà massimo l’impegno per la tutela e la difesa degli italiani che vivono al di fuori dei confini nazionali… Read More in Corriere Canadese >>> 

School, Ontario Labour Board to rule on legality of strike

TORONTO – It is open war between the Government of Ontario and the Canadian Union of Public Employees (CUPE). On Friday, the first day of the strike by the 55,000 union members employed in schools, thousands of people demonstrated outside Queen’s Park and the offices of Conservative Party provincial MPs. Schools in the province will still be closed tomorrow and, according to union leaders, will remain closed until a collective agreement is signed with the government. 

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Passaporti, al Consolato Italiano una linea telefonica per gli over 75: come funziona

TORONTO – Il Consolato Generale d’Italia a Toronto informa che, a partire dal 7 novembre, in via sperimentale e per venire incontro alla fascia d’età meno abituata agli strumenti digitali, sarà messa a disposizione una linea telefonica dedicata ai connazionali a partire dai 75 anni, per la prenotazione di un appuntamento per il rilascio del passaporto… Read More in Corriere Canadese >>>