TCDSB Elections, vandalized signs of a candidate who defends traditional Catholic values

TORONTO – Vandals in action against candidates for the position of trustee at TCDSB who intend to defend traditional Catholic values: yesterday someone ripped up the electoral cartels of Gabriella Mazarakis, candidate in Ward 2. “I believe Catholic schools are distinct and exist because families want to pass on to their children the values, culture, tradition and meaning of their faith”, the candidate wrote in one of her tweets during the elections campaign. In another tweet, she posted a quote from Pope John Paul II: Even though the financial viability of Catholic schools has been guaranteed, the task remains of ensuring their Catholic character”. In the pic above, one of the vandalized signs in a pic posted by Rabea Allos.

TCDSB Elections: D’Amico, Di Giorgio and Cristiano at Cataldi (photos and videos)

TORONTO – Great participation in the event organized today at Cataldi, on Keele Street in Toronto, by three candidates for the position of trustee at the Toronto Catholic District School Board: Frank D’Amico, Daniel Di Giorgio and Gianfranco Cristiano (in the photo above, at entrance of Cataldi).

Their “Meet and Greet” was held from 2 to 5 pm: the three candidates chatted with the customers of the Italian supermarket, offered a lunch and, at the end, stopped at the exit to distribute packs of Italian pasta to all present, as a gift for Thanksgiving Day.

On the packages there was their image and that of Relina D’Amico, candidate as trustee at the TDSB (in the pic below).

“We are glad for the success of our initiative – the three candidates said -: we take the opportunity to wish a Happy Thanksgiving Day to all the readers of CNMNG News”. 

As is well known, the campaign for the election of the trustees to the TCDSB has flared up on the issue of the survival of Catholic ethics – or even the cancellation of the Catholic Superintendency. D’Amico, Di Giorgio and Cristiano propose themselves as defenders and promoters of traditional Catholic values, family and parental rights regarding their children.

À Bruno Le Maire le col roulé et à nous, la couverture Manta

(The Day Briefing / Kahina Boudjidj) A l’heure où il est question de restrictions énergétiques, notre ministre de l’Economie a voulu montrer l’exemple à ses compatriotes français en portant… un col roulé. Pour faire des économies, j’ai mieux : la couverture « du bled », aussi connue sous les noms de Manta ou de Minky et que l’on utilise depuis belle lurette… Read More in The Day Briefing >>> 

Danielle Smith UCP’s new leader and Alberta’s next premier. “No longer we will ask permission from Ottawa to be prosperous and free”

Danielle Smith is the UCP’s new leader and Alberta’s next premier. After a night of delays – the vote counts came hard – she won on the sixth and final ballot, defeating her closest challenger Travis Toews, former minister under outgoing UCP leader and premier, Jason Kenney: the result was 53.77 per cent of the votes to her and 46.23 per cent to Toews. Brian Jean, Rebecca Schulz, Todd Loewen, Rajan Sawhney and Leela Aheer were all eliminated in earlier rounds. 

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Accordo e leadership grit tra ipotesi e retroscena

TORONTO – Un accordo rappresenta un documento vincolante tra due o più parti contraenti che si impegnano a implementarlo e rispettarlo. In politica chi mette in calce la propria firma utilizzerà i poteri che gli derivano dalla carica occupata – in tutti i livelli di governo – per applicare le misure e i provvedimenti che vengono enunciati nell’accordo stesso… Read More in Corriere Canadese >>> 

Vaughan, Bevilacqua appoggia Del Duca: piano congiunto con dieci punti chiave

TORONTO – Endorsement di peso per Steven Del Duca nella corsa alla poltrona di sindaco per Vaughan. A farlo è stato ieri il primo cittadino uscente Maurizio Bevilacqua, che contemporaneamente ha annunciato la creazione di un piano in 10 punti che cofirmato dallo stesso Del Duca che di fatto diventa parte della piattaforma programmatica dell’ex leader del Partito Liberale provinciale… Read More in Corriere Canadese >>> 

Scatenate reazioni contro il “wokismo”

TORONTO – Alcuni parlamentari direbbero e farebbero qualsiasi cosa per attirare l’attenzione alla Camera dei Comuni. È un campo affollato. La maggior parte di loro (incluso me stesso quando ero lì) ha davvero poco di importante da dire che sia di interesse per la manciata di persone che potrebbero assistere ai dibattiti. Non fraintendetemi, in realtà fanno delle ricerche e delle presentazioni su temi di impatto materiale sulla legislazione… Read More in Corriere Canadese >>>