Municipal elections issues (1): Catholic schools – YCDSB

TORONTO – It is time to get serious about the reasons why we have elections. First, throw out the riffraff in office and weed out the ones that would replace them. Secondly, study the alternatives and vote for them. Third, reaffirm the principles for which institutions exist and hold to account those who erode their value for the sake of their personal pet projects. 

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Special $ 100 “Pinse” to support the Princess Margaret Breast Cancer Foundation

TORONTO –  Solidarity is one of the fixed ingredients of the “pinsa” by Gino Benevenga, owner of the Italian restaurant “Venga Cucina”, the only “pinseria” in Toronto (in Canada there are only two: read Corriere Canadese’s article here) and already protagonist of charity campaigns in the past with its special pizzas made in the manner of the authentic Roman “pinsa”. 

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Rossana Copler alla guida del ‘Book Club’ della Dante Alighieri Society di Vancouver

VANCOUVER – Rossana Copler (nella foto sopra) – scrittrice, docente di lingua italiana e grande amante della letteratura in ogni suo genere – è la nuova coordinatrice del “Book Club” della Dante Alighieri Society della British Columbia (sito:, l’istituto che promuove nel mondo lo studio della lingua e della cultura italiana: quella di Vancouver è una delle 480 sedi situate al di fuori dell’Italia e opera attraverso la Dante Italian Language School di Vancouver.  

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“Pinse” speciali da $ 100 per sostenere la Princess Margaret Breast Cancer Foundation

TORONTO – La solidarietà è uno degli ingredienti fissi della “pinsa” di Gino Benevenga, titolare del ristorante italiano “Venga Cucina”, unica “pinseria” di Toronto (in tutto il Canada ce ne sono soltanto due: leggete qui l’articolo del Corriere Canadese) e già protagonista di campagne benefiche in passato con le sue speciali pizze realizzate alla maniera dell’autentica “pinsa” romana. 

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বুরকিনা ফাসো’র আলিজেতা কিন্ডা পেলেন জাতিসংঘের নারী পুলিশ অ্যাওয়ার্ড ২০২২ 

গত বুধবার পুলিশের ‘ইউএনকপস্’ সামিটে কানাডা ও নরওয়ের যৌথ পৃষ্টপোষকতায় আয়োজিত এক অনুষ্ঠানে বর্তমানে মালিতে নিয়োজিত জাতিসংঘের মাল্টিডাইমেনশনাল ইন্টিগ্রেটেড স্টাবিলাইজেশন মিশন, সংক্ষেপে ‘মাইনাসমা’য় দায়িত্বশীল বুরকিনা ফাসো’র চিফ ওয়ার‌্যান্ট অফিসার আলিজেতা কাবোর কিন্ডাকে তার কর্মের উপর নির্মিত প্রামাণ্যচিত্র প্রদর্শন শেষে দেয়া হয়েছে ২০২২ সালের জাতিসংঘের নারী পুলিশ অ্যাওয়ার্ড, যার প্রচলন সংস্থাটির শান্তি মিশন ও নারীর ক্ষমতায়ন বৃদ্ধিকল্পে ২০১১ সালে। 

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Burkina Faso’s Alizeta Kinda receives UN Women Police Award 2022

Chief Warrant Officer Alizeta Kabore Kinda (in the pic) of Burkina Faso, who currently serves in the UN Multidimensional Integrated Stabilization Mission in Mali (MINUSMA), has been awarded the 2022 United Nations Woman Police Officer Award with a documentary presentation on her works in a UNCOPS ceremony co-sponsored by Canada and Norway held on Wednesday afternoon in the United Nations as it was introduced in 2011 to recognize the exceptional contributions of women police officers to UN peace operations and to promote women’s empowerment. 

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