Caciara al Toronto Catholic District School Board

TORONTO – Ieri sera, sono uscito dalla riunione del Toronto Catholic District School Board con diverse impressioni da condividere in particolare con i nostri 177.000 residenti di Toronto che si identificano etnicamente come italiani; più in generale con i circa 1.000.000 residenti di Toronto che sono teoricamente cattolici e, infine, con altri fiduciari dei consigli scolastici dei distretti cattolici dell’Ontario… Read More in Corriere Canadese >>> 

Doug Ford wants sheriff-mayors: a law to increase their powers

TORONTO – The mayor? Better if he’s a “sheriff”, according to Ontario Premier Doug Ford, who is considering new legislation that would give to the mayors of Toronto and Ottawa new powers and a potential veto on the city council, according to reports earlier by the Toronto Star and then from Global News. The Ford government is therefore working on legislation that should grant greater powers to mayors, as well as allow them to address the issue of housing accessibility with more room for maneuver.  Continue reading

Comportamento immorale e illegale persistente

TORONTO – Quella di ieri è stata l’ultima riunione del consiglio di Toronto. Non per essere meschino, ma a meno che tu non stessi seguendo le ultime richieste wokist, o le riflessioni del suo sommo sacerdote, il Sindaco Tory, avresti potuto pensare che il Consiglio non avesse fatto nulla per meritare il riconoscimento per aver speso tanti miliardi di dollari dei tuoi sudati guadagni… Read More in Corriere Canadese >>> 

Canada in the grip of heat and fire

OTTAWA – Not only Europe: Canada is also in the grip of heat and fires. Environment Canada today issued hot warnings in four provinces: Ontario, Manitoba, Saskatchewan and Quebec. Temperatures could reach 30 ° C in parts of northwestern and northeastern Ontario, and similar conditions are also expected in southwestern and southeastern areas. “Heat warnings” remain in place in parts of northern Manitoba, where the fires have required additional air quality “sos” due to smoke (as well as in British Columbia).  Continue reading