Covid-19 response, Canada is the best (with Japan)

TORONTO – Canada managed the first two years of the Covid-19 pandemic and resisted the upheaval that followed better than many other nations with similar health and economic infrastructures: this is what emerges from a research, published today in the Canadian Medical Association Journal, which attributes Canada’s good performance to persistent and restrictive public health measures, as well as a successful vaccination campaign.  Continue reading

Da Ford un messaggio per la continuità dell’azione di governo

TORONTO – Il messaggio è chiaro: nessuna rivoluzione, a Queen’s Park in questo momento la priorità è quella di dare continuità all’azione di governo inaugurata nella passata legislatura. Il “nuovo” esecutivo che venerdì scorso ha prestato giuramento in realtà ha davvero poco di “nuovo”. Si è trattato in sostanza di un semplice rimpasto governativo, con i principali ministeri che sono stati riaffidati ai ministri uscenti… Read More in Corriere Canadese >>> 

Freedom Convoy, Berger: “Tories free to participate”

OTTAWA – As Ottawa prepares for protests from the movement opposing Covid-19 restrictions over the weekend, interim Conservative leader Candice Bergen says her MPs are free to participate in the demonstrations. “I support peaceful and legal demonstrations, and if my MPs want to participate, they are free to do so, they will answer to their constituents,” Bergen said in an interview with CTV’s Question Period aired Sunday. “Conservatives fully support Canadians who were, and are still opposed to, mandatory vaccines,” the interim leader of the CP added. 

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Ontario, the government: Lecce remains at education, Ford’s nephew Michael elevated to cabinet post

TORONTO – Ontario Premier Doug Ford presented his cabinet to Ontario’s 43rd Parliament. Few news, many reconfirmations. The new cabinet includes seven women – down from nine in the previous one – out of a total of over 30 appointed (including attorneys general). Ford has also given a role to his nephew Michael (in the pic), a rookie MPP. Lisa MacLeod and Ross Romano are out. 

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