Petitions to remove ‘Muzzo’, but hospitals respond they won’t

TORONTO – The name Muzzo is there to stay. In the aftermath of the news of the suicide of Edward Lake, father of the three children killed in 2015 by Marco Muzzo driving drunk, from many parts and with increasing insistence citizens ask for the removal of the family name from the hospitals to which they have given millions of dollars in donations. But hospitals in Toronto and Vaughan responded in spades. Meanwhile, the two petitions, which on (one and two) urge that the name Muzzo disappear from the walls of hospitals, continue to collect more and more signatures. 

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Trump, 9/11, Lady D: Canadians influenced by conspiracy theories

TORONTO – Lack of trust in the traditional media, distance of institutions, skepticism towards the truth as it is told by the mainstream. The portrait of Canadians that has come out in recent weeks from a series of surveys carried out by Abacus is really not very comforting, also in light of the new survey presented today that continues to investigate the thin thread that binds Canadians with the chaos of great conspiracy theories.  

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Canada, inflation never so high in 40 years: 7.7%

TORONTO – Inflation rate skyrocketing. Or, better, never like this in almost forty years. To make the historic “picture” is Statistics Canada, which recorded – for the month of May – a percentage increase of 7.7% compared to the same month of 2021 it’s the largest increase since January 1983 when the inflation gained 8.2%. Not only that: the current + 7.7% represents a further increase compared to the + 6.8% of just a month earlier, i.e. April 2022.  Continue reading

Morto suicida Edward Lake, i suoi tre figli uccisi da Muzzo

TORONTO – Le disgrazie non vengono mai da sole recita un proverbio. Edward Lake, i cui tre figli e il suocero, sono stati uccisi in un terribile incidente a Vaughan nel 2015, si è tolto la vita. Il caso ha riempito le pagine dei giornali per mesi: alla guida del veicolo che ha investito il van del nonno dei bimbi, c’era Marco Muzzo, rampollo di una ricca famiglia, ubriaco. Un dolore, quello di Edward Lake e della moglie Jennifer Neville-Lake, che si può solo immaginare… Read More in Corriere Canadese >>> 

Torna a salire la presenza del virus nelle acque reflue

TORONTO – Parlare di nuova (ennesima) ondata di Covid-19, è forse prematuro, ma i segnali ci sono tutti: nelle ultime settimane avevamo asssistito ad una ripresa dei ricoveri ma il numero esiguo di tamponi effettuati (riservati alle sole categorie “a rischio”) non aveva consentito un tracciamento esaustivo dei contagi. C’è però un dato dal quale non si scappa: la presenza del virus nelle acque reflue… Read More in Corriere Canadese >>> 

Dead by suicide Edward Lake. His three sons killed by Muzzo

TORONTO – Misfortunes never come by themselves, says a proverb. Edward Lake, whose three sons and father-in-law were killed in a terrible accident in Vaughan in 2015, took his own life. The case has filled the pages of the newspapers for months: driving the vehicle that hit the van of the children’s grandfather, there was Marco Muzzo, scion of a rich family, drunk. A pain, that of Edward Lake and his wife Jennifer Neville-Lake, that can only be imagined. 

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