Not only Covid: emergency rooms ‘sold out’ in Ontario

TORONTO – Everything: injuries, trauma and even viruses (Covid-19 aside). Ontario hospitals are again under siege, this time not due the pandemic but for other reasons: from the seasonal flu to injuries (especially young people, returned “free” after two years of restrictions). The situation is similar in all hospitals in the country: records of emergency room visits and beds “sold out”.  Continue reading

Aeroporti, dietrofront del governo: via i Covid-test per i vaccinati

TORONTO – Dopo innumerevoli disagi e proteste, il governo federale fa dietrofront e toglie – fino al 30 giugno – i Covid-test casuali per i viaggiatori vaccinati negli aeroporti. Lo ha annunciato venerdì il ministro dei Trasporti, Omar Alghabra. Soltanto i viaggiatori non vaccinati saranno ancora “testati” negli aeroporti. E poi, a partire da luglio, tutti i Covid-test verranno eseguiti fuori dagli aeroporti… Read More in Corriere Canadese >>> 

Airports in Canada, Covid-tests suspended for vaccinated people

TORONTO – After countless hardships and protests, the federal government turns around and removes – until June 30 – random Covid-tests for vaccinated vaccinated at airports. It was announced on Friday by the Minister of Transport, Omar Alghabra. Only unvaccinated travelers will still be “tested” at airports. Then, starting from July, all Covid-tests will be carried out outside the airports.  Continue reading