Ontario, countdown for the provincial vote

TORONTO – Countdown to the election in Ontario. Once the possibility of early voting has ended – the deadline was set for 28 May – voters will have the opportunity to express their preference on Thursday 2 June, from 9 am to 9 pm. Frenetic, as was to be expected, the last weekend of the election campaign for the leaders of the main parties, who have traveled the length and breadth of the province to try to convince the undecided that they still represent a substantial slice of the Ontario electorate. 

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The last farewell to Naseem Mahdi, pillar of the Ahmadis and the concept of integration in Woodbridge and beyond

TORONTO – Maulana Naseem Mahdi, pillar of the Ahmadi community and a great supporter of integration, in Woodbridge and beyond, passed away. Last Friday, in the Bai`tul Islam Mosque (in the pic above) in Jane, on Teston Road, the public funeral took place in the presence of many people, including Corriere Canadese’s publisher Joe Volpe.   Continue reading

As entrevistas da “Revista Amar”: Daniela Ruah

(Revista Amar – Madalena Balça) Nasceu em Boston, Estados Unidos da América, há 38 anos, mas foi Portugal que lhe marcou a infância e juventude. Orgulhosamente portuguesa, partiu um dia à procura do futuro. Regressou ao país natal e encontrou o caminho, que desbravou com o seu talento, até se transformar na atriz portuguesa mais famosa em todo o mundo. Daniela Ruah – a atriz, a mãe, a filha, a mulher tal qual é, apresenta-se nesta conversa sem representação. Com a sua determinação, a sua força, com a simplicidade que a carateriza, mas com absoluta consciência do papel que desempenha hoje na vida… Read More in Revista Amar >>> 

করোনা চিকিৎসায় বিবাহিত স্বাস্থ্যকর্মীরা বেশি মানসিক রোগে আক্রান্ত

(Shomporko সম্পর্ক) বাংলাদেশে কোভিড-১৯ মহামারিকালে স্বাস্থ্যকর্মীদের ওপর এর মনস্তাত্ত্বিক প্রভাব, কুশলবস্থা, সংশ্লিষ্ট ফ্যাক্টরসমূহ এবং মানিয়ে নেওয়ার কৌশল’ শীর্ষক জাতীয় জরিপের ফলাফল প্রকাশ করা হয়েছে। জরিপের গবেষণায় স্বাস্থ্যসেবা পেশাদারদের মানসিক সুস্থতায় কাউন্সেলিং প্রোগ্রামের ব্যবস্থা জোরদার ও প্রবর্তনের পরামর্শ দেওয়া হয়েছে … Read More in Shomporko >>> 

Business Excellence Awards agli Italiani di successo

TORONTO – Con il loro impegno, e soprattutto con la loro italianità, hanno cambiato il panorama economico dell’Ontario e portato le loro attività al successo, contribuendo alla crescita della comunità tricolore in Canada sia in termini di immagine che in termini di prestigio sociale e culturale: sono gli imprenditori e le personalità italo-canadesi che mercoledì sera, nel corso di una serata di gala svoltasi nell’elegante Liberty Grand Entartainment Complex in riva all’Ontario Lake, hanno ricevuto dalla Camera di Commercio gli ICCO Air Canada Business Excellence Awards, giunti quest’anno alla ventesima edizione… Read More in Corriere Canadese >>>