Partiti, sbarazzatevi dei candidati ‘peso morto’

TORONTO – La campagna elettorale comincia a prendere forma, per quanto riguarda i liberali e l’NDP, e non necessariamente in meglio. Dopo quasi due anni e mezzo di interruzione accademica e socioculturale nelle nostre scuole, non avrebbe mai dovuto sorprendere il fatto che l’istruzione fosse emersa come una delle principali preoccupazioni e temi nelle elezioni. Naturalmente, le prestazioni e i risultati vengono immediatamente in mente. I nostri figli hanno bisogno di imparare e come imparare… Read More in Corriere Canadese >>> 

Epatite nei bambini, sette casi al Sick Kids

TORONTO – Le autorità sanitarie di tutto il mondo sono al lavoro per chiarire le cause dell’aumento dei casi di epatite fulminante in bambini precedentemente sani, registrati in diverse parti del mondo. La misteriosa malattia ha colpito anche in Canada: al Sick Kids Hospital di Toronto, nel corso di sei mesi, sono stati individuati casi di epatite acuta grave della quale si ignora l’origine… Read More in Corriere Canadese >>> 

Covid in Ontario, tregua già finita: 19 morti

TORONTO – Dopo un giorno di tregua, torna imporvvisamente alto il numero delle morti correlate al Covid-19 in Ontario: 19, che portano il totale da inizio pandemia in provincia a sfiorare quota 13mila (12.991). Il “decessi zero” dell’altro ieri è già quindi un bel ricordo, così come il numero delle ospedalizzazioni che da 1.213 tornano a schizzare sopra quota 1.500: per la precisione, 1.555… Read More in Corriere Canadese >>> 

Hepatitis in children, seven cases at Sick Kids

TORONTO – Health authorities around the world are working to clarify the causes of the increase in cases of fulminant hepatitis in previously healthy children, recorded in different parts of the world. The mysterious disease has also struck in Canada: at the Sick Kids Hospital in Toronto, over the course of six months, cases of severe acute hepatitis have been identified, the origin of which is unknown. 

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Status update of Covid-19 cases worldwide

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Here we provide a daily update of the data available for select countries and jurisdictions as of May 10, 2022, at 4:30pm EST.

On Tuesday, health officials in Germany logged 104,449 new infections, pushing the total number of confirmed positive cases passed 25.4 million. Of the cumulative total number of cases 92.3% are considered recovered. In the last 24-hours, authorities have reported 202 Covid-related deaths, for a total of 137,222 fatalities were attributable to Covid-19.

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Baseball, Alessandro Volpe invited by Italian U18 National Team for a second look

NETTUNO (Rome) – The Italian-Canadian slugger, Alessandro Volpe (in the pic), 17 years-old, has been invited by the Italian Under 18 Baseball National Team for a second look.

The “Azzurri” staff decided to invite him again to Italy as the Under 18 team prepares for the upcoming season, Alessandro will leave for Italy in the next few days, destination Nettuno (province of Rome), the birthplace of world football champion Bruno Conti. Things augur well.

Good luck, Alessandro!

In the video below, Alessandro (number 20) at bat in a game last weekend in Brampton 

Covid in Ontario, truce already over: 19 dead

TORONTO – After a day of truce, the number of deaths related to Covid-19 in Ontario suddenly returns to high: 19, bringing the total since the beginning of the pandemic in the province to almost 13 thousand (12,991). The “zero deaths” of yesterday is therefore already a good memory, as well as the number of hospitalizations that from 1,213 return to jump above 1,500: to be precise, 1,555. 

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