Doug Ford in corsa per formare governo di maggioranza

TORONTO – Un governo di maggioranza del Progressive Conservative, esattamente come nel 2018. È questo lo scenario più probabile, a sei settimane dal voto provinciale, secondo le proiezioni dei seggi elaborate dal sito specializzato, che analizza il livello di consenso dei partiti in corsa in vista dell’appuntamento alle urne il prossimo 2 giugno… Read More in Corriere Canadese >>> 

Ontario: ricoveri raddoppiati in 20 giorni

TORONTO – Continuano ad aumentare i ricoveri per o con Covid-19 Ieri i pazienti contagiati presenti negli ospedali dell’Ontario hanno raggiunto quota 1.090, contro i 977 di domenica ma soprattutto contro i 551 dello scorso 22 marzo, appena venti giorni fa. Crescono anche i ricoveri nelle terapie intensive dove ora sono occupati, da pazienti-Covid, 184 posti-letto contro i 173 di ieri (alcuni pazienti sono ricoverati in ospedale per Covid-19, altri per motivi diversi e risultano positivi al momento del tampone d’ingresso in ospedale e quindi sono ricoverati con Covid-19)… Read More in Corriere Canadese >>> 

Status update of Covid-19 cases worldwide

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Here we provide a daily update of the data available for select countries and jurisdictions as of April 11, 2022, at 4:40pm EST.

On Monday, health officials in Russia logged 11,855 new infections, pushing the total number of confirmed positive cases passed 18.0 million. Of the cumulative total number of cases 95.7% are considered recovered. In the last 24-hours, authorities have reported 248 Covid-related deaths for a total of 371,964 fatalities attributable to Covid-19.

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Burlington residents will elect a new MPP this election

Created in 1999, the constituency of Burlington, a district with a population of 123,180 residents and growing, has been represented mostly by members of the Progressive Conservative Party. Jane McKenna, current MPP, first represented the riding when she was elected to office in 2011. She held the riding for the PC until the Liberals took over the constituency between 2014-2018.

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Doug Ford aims to form a majority government

TORONTO – A majority government of the Progressive Conservative, just like in 2018. This is the most likely scenario, six weeks before the provincial vote, according to the projections of the seats elaborated by the specialized website, which analyzes the level of consensus of the parties in the race in view of the appointment at the polls on June 2nd. According to the data examined, if it were to vote at this time the party led by outgoing Prime Minister Doug Ford would win 71 of the 124 seats available, well above the 63 necessary to guarantee an absolute majority of deputies in Queen’s Park: four years ago the Progressive Conservative won in 76 constituencies. 

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Ontario, hospitalizations doubled in 20 days

TORONTO – Hospitalizations with or due to Covid-19 continue to increase. Today, infected patients in Ontario hospitals reached 1,090, against 977 on Sunday but above all against 551 on March 22, just twenty days ago. Intensive care admissions are also growing: now 184 beds are occupied by Covid inpatients, compared to 173 today. Some patients are hospitalized due to Covid-19, others for different reasons and test positive at the time of the hospital admission swab (so they are inpatiens with Covid-19).

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