Guelph pronta a rimanere ancora “verde”

TORONTO – Quello di Guelph è un distretto elettorale provinciale nell’Ontario sudoccidentale che comprende la città di Guelph, a circa 100 km a nord-ovest di Toronto. Con una popolazione di 131.790 abitanti, una parte significativa dei costituenti è di origine europea, principalmente britannica. È una zona molto popolare  tra gli immigrati e gli italiani in particolare. Secondo il censimento del 2016, il distretto ospita 12.725 residenti che si identificano come italiani. Rappresentano il 10% della popolazione del distretto… Read More in Corriere Canadese >>> 

Covid, ricoveri di nuovo sopra quota mille in Ontario

TORONTO – Ricoveri per il Covid-19, l’Ontario è di nuovo sopra quota mille: ieri negli ospedali della provincia c’erano infatti 1.091 pazienti contro gli 857 di appena 24 ore prima. Un’impennata impressionante, che fa balzare l’aumento dei ricoveri negli ultimi sette giorni al +38%. 173 le persone in terapia intensiva, contro le 168 dell’altro ieri. Numeri tutti in salita, dunque. E pure i decessi non accennano a diminuire: ieri altri 9 che portano il totale da inizio pandemia, in Ontario, a 12.479… Read More in Corriere Canadese >>> 

Status update of Covid-19 cases worldwide

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Here we provide a daily update of the data available for select countries and jurisdictions as of April 5, 2022, at 5:00pm EST.

On Tuesday, health officials in the UK logged 33,297 new infections, pushing the total number of confirmed positive cases passed 21.4 million. Of the cumulative total number of cases 90.3% are considered recovered. In the last 24-hours, authorities have reported 368 Covid-related deaths for a total of 166,148 fatalities attributable to Covid-19.

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Tories jeopardize the legislature pact: “More military spending”

TORONTO – Canada must increase its military spending until it reaches its NATO agreement quota. This was requested today by the Conservative Party, on the eve of the presentation of the federal budget scheduled for tomorrow at the House of Commons. Kerry-Lynne Findlay, conservative shadow Defence minister, said: “It is time for Canada to contribute its fair share to NATO. As a founding member of the Atlantic Alliance, the peace and security that Canadians have enjoyed over the past 73 years have been underpinned by the collective security promise that any attack on a NATO country would be an attack on everyone.” 

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Covid-19: hospitalizations again above one thousand in Ontario, 31 dead in Quebec

TORONTO – Covid-19 hospitalizations, Ontario is again above one thousand: today in the hospitals of the province there were in fact 1,091 patients against 857 just 24 hours earlier. An impressive surge, which has jumped the increase in hospitalizations in the last seven days to + 38%. 173 people in intensive care, compared to 168 the day before today.  Continue reading

Guelph poised for another “green landscape” this election

Guelph, a provincial electoral district in Southwestern Ontario that encompasses the city of Guelph, about 100km northwest of Toronto. With a population of 131,790, a significant portion of constituents are of European origin, primarily British. It is an area popular among immigrants and Italians in particular. According to the 2016 Census, the riding is home to 12,725 residents who identify as Italian. They represent 10% of the district population.

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