Giù le restrizioni: continua il pressing sul governo Ford

TORONTO – Pressing sul governo per allentare le restrizioni anti Covid e fare un altro passo verso quella che sarà la normalità post pandemica. Nelle ultime ventiquattrore numerose province canadesi hanno annunciato l’accantonamento di alcune misure di contenimento della pandemia, così come nel resto del mondo numerosi governi hanno deciso di eliminare alcuni provvedimenti attivati nella fase più acuta dell’ondata di Omicron… Read More in Corriere Canadese >>> 

Status update of Covid-19 cases worldwide

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Here we provide a daily update of the data available for select countries and jurisdictions as of February 9, 2022, at 4:30 pm EST.

On Wednesday, health officials in the UK logged 68,214 new infections, pushing the total number of confirmed positive cases passed 18.0 million. Of the cumulative total number of cases 86.6% are considered recovered. In the last 24-hours, authorities have reported 276 Covid-related deaths for a total of 158,953 fatalities attributable to Covid-19.

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In Ontario no immediate plan to scrap vaccine passport

TORONTO – Pressure on the government to ease anti-Covid restrictions and take another step towards what will be the post-pandemic normality. In the last twenty-four hours, numerous Canadian provinces have announced the setting aside of some measures to contain the pandemic, as well as in the rest of the world numerous governments have decided to eliminate some measures activated in the most acute phase of the Omicron wave. 

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Deceduto a Buenos Aires l’avvocato Matias Mandl. “Un grande amico dell’Abruzzo”

BUENOS AIRES – È scomparso l’8 febbraio a Buenos Aires l’avvocato Matias Mandl (nella foto sopra). Era nato il 14 febbraio 1946 nella capitale, nato da padre austriaco e madre argentina. Il padre, ebreo, era un calciatore della nazionale austriaca. Durante una partita all’estero della nazionale di calcio riuscì a fuggire per sottrarsi a quanto sarebbe potuto accadergli, in quanto ebreo, nell’Austria ormai annessa alla Germania nazista.  

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Covid-19 in Ontario: another 66 dead, hospitalizations drop

TORONTO – Covid-19, the trend of the last few days is reconfirmed: hospitalizations in constant decline, death curve in continuous and decisive rise: today the victims in Ontario were 66, bringing the total from the beginning of the pandemic to 11,944. On the other hand, 2,059 people are currently in hospital with Covid-19, a sharp decline from the 2,254 on Tuesday. The number of people in intensive care has also fallen from 474 to 449. Continue reading

Communications problems at the TCDSB

TORONTO – There appears to be a breakdown of process and procedure at the TCDSB. The past two years have been chaotic for parents and students navigating the education system while looking for clarity and stability. It has not been easy for anyone.

Families maintain that the constant disruption between schools opening, then closing, and re-opening has had a negative impact on their children. They say the back and forth between virtual and in-person instruction has not helped the social, mental and academic well-being of their children.

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