CORRIERE CANADESE / Una conversazione con Silvia Giulietti

TORONTO – Ho avuto il privilegio di sedermi a Toronto con Silvia Giulietti, produttrice e regista di “Fellinopolis”, “La morte legale” e “Gli angeli nascosti di Luchino Visconti”, per citare solo alcuni dei suoi lavori. Giulietti è stata una delle prime donne, se non la prima, in Italia a lavorare su un set cinematografico come assistente alla macchina da presa, operatrice alla macchina da presa e, infine, direttrice della fotografia… Read More in Corriere Canadese >>> 

ll Paese delle rose selvatiche in Canada: il contributo dell’Alberta alla nostra Nazione

Il senatore Loffreda scrive del suo recente viaggio in Alberta con un gruppo di senatori.

L’Alberta ospita quasi 5 milioni di canadesi. Con un settore high-tech in forte espansione e un’industria agroalimentare apprezzata in tutto il mondo, rappresenta il cuore dell’industria petrolifera canadese. È anche il luogo che quest’anno ha dato ai canadesi la speranza che Lord Stanley potesse tornare in Canada dopo un’assenza lunga 31 anni. Sono stato tremendamente orgoglioso, questa primavera, di vedere il nostro Paese stringersi intorno ai Campioni della Conferenza dell’Ovest, gli Edmonton Oilers, con tutti i canadesi a fare il tifo per McDavid e la sua squadra, capaci di regalarci brividi ed emozioni al cardiopalma. 

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Canada’s Wild Rose Country: Alberta’s Contributions to our Nation

Senator Loffreda writes about his recent trip to Alberta with a group of Senators.

Alberta is home to nearly 5 million Canadians. With a booming high-tech sector and a reputable global agri-food industry, it’s the heart of Canada’s oil industry.  It’s also the place that gave Canadians hope this year that Lord Stanley would return to Canada after a 31-year drought. 

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Au pays des roses sauvages du Canada: Les contributions de l’Alberta à notre nation

Le sénateur Loffreda écrit au sujet de son récent voyage en Alberta avec un groupe de sénateurs.

L’Alberta abrite près de 5 millions de Canadiens. Avec un secteur de haute technologie en plein essor et une industrie agroalimentaire de réputée mondiale, c’est le cœur de l’industrie pétrolière du Canada.  C’est aussi la région qui a donné aux Canadiens l’espoir que Lord Stanley revienne au pays.  J’ai été extrêmement fier de voir notre pays se rallier aux champions de la Conférence de l’Ouest, les Oilers d’Edmonton, alors que nous avons tous soutenu McDavid et son équipe, qui nous ont offert des moments à couper le souffle ce printemps. 

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Those in need should not be so pretentious

TORONTO – Brazen and in-your-face, that sums up the international diplomatic style of Israel’s Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. It works for him. Friends of Israel – there are some; just not in the country’s vicinity – must cringe at the mere thought that “Bibi” is coming to town. Think of the enormous security costs the host has to absorb to accommodate him and the disruption to their own agenda (maybe, just maybe, their own national interests have some validity) they undergo to hear his habitual refrain: “we are your border guards; give us more weapons, more quickly to do our job for your benefit”. 

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Ancient Rome returns to Hollywood

TORONTO – It’s been twenty-five years since Russell Crowe wooed audiences as a Roman General-turned-slave, and now Hollywood is returning with a sequel to the Oscar winning epic. Unfortunately none of Gladiator II was shot in Italy, due to logistics. This comes as no surprise to Tarak Ben Ammar, the head of Italy’s biggest Film Distributor (Eagle Pictures), who recently warned that Rome’s Cinecitta’s studio space is booked a year in advance. 

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