Status update of Covid-19 cases worldwide

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Here we provide a daily update of the data available for select countries and jurisdictions as of December 15, 2021, at 4:45 pm EST.

On Wednesday, health officials in the UK logged 78,610 new infections, pushing the total number of confirmed positive cases passed 11.0 million. Of the cumulative total number of cases, 87.4% are considered recovered. In the last 24-hours, authorities have reported 165 Covid-related deaths for a total of 146,791 fatalities attributable to Covid-19.

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Ontario, third dose of vaccine to all over 18s as early as Monday after three months from the second one

TORONTO – There is no more time to waste, at least more than that lost so far between hesitations and non-decisions. The provincial government announced today that the third dose of the vaccine will be open to all citizens aged 18 and over from Monday. Not only that: it will be possible to do it three months (and no longer six) from the second one. An acceleration first hoped for and then supported by the Ontario Science Table which just today returned to call for rapid measures to curb the surge in cases due, in all probability, to the Omicron variant, much more infectious than the Delta. But let’s go in order.  Continue reading

From bad to worse: 47 schools closed in Ontario

TORONTO – The evidence can no longer be denied. Covid-19 entered Ontario schools from the main entrance. Almost one in a hundred public schools is now closed due to Covid-19 outbreaks or operational reasons related to the pandemic. If only two days ago the institutes closed due to outbreaks of the virus were 28, the number today – according to data provided by the Ministry of Education – jumped to 47. As many as 47 schools closed with the transfer of children to distance learning with Covid that continues to create havoc as regards face-to-face lessons.  Continue reading

The virus spreads: more than 1,800 Covid-cases in Ontario and 2,386 in Quebec

TORONTO – The virus spreads.  Ontario today reported the highest number of Covid-19 cases in more than six months: 1,808. To count more in just 24 hours, we have to go back to last May 21, when the new infections in one day were 1,890. Not only that: the number of active cases has increased by about 50% in a week: seven days ago they were 8,351, now they are 12,666.  Continue reading

Altri 8,1 miliardi in aiuti per il Covid, tagliato il deficit

TORONTO – Nuovo pacchetto d’aiuti anti Covid e calo del deficit federale. Sono questi i due elementi principali del Fiscal Update presentato ieri da Chrystia Freeland. Un documento, quello del ministro delle Finanze, che doveva essere annunciato alla House of Commons ma che invece è stato presentato virtualmente. Due membri dello staff della Freeland, infatti, sono risultati positivi al Covid-19: la ministra negli ultimi giorni non ha avuto contatti diretti con queste due persone, ma a scopo cautelativo ha deciso di presentare il provvedimento via computer… Read More in Corriere Canadese >>>