Status update of Covid-19 cases worldwide

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Here we provide a daily update of the data available for select countries and jurisdictions as of December 6, 2021, at 4:40 pm EST.

On Monday, health officials in the USA logged 43,299 new infections, pushing the total number of confirmed positive cases passed 50 million. Of the cumulative total number of cases, 79.1% are considered recovered. In the last 24-hours, authorities have reported 247 Covid-related deaths for a total of 809,141 fatalities attributable to Covid-19.

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Is Ontario’s critical care system prepared for a surge in cases?

The Covid-19 pandemic has presented challenges for Ontario’s critical care system. As infections trend upward, the scientific community cautions that hospital admissions will likely climb in the weeks to come.

On December 6, the Ministry of Health reported 168 patients in the province’s Intensive Care Units (ICU) due to Covid-related critical illness. That is the highest number of Covid-related ICU patients in more than two months, when the number reached 171 Covid ICU patients on September 30.

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School, between uphill infections and controversy

TORONTO – Compared to a month ago, there are more than twice as many active cases of Covid-19 associated with Ontario’s public schools. The Ministry of Education has in fact communicated that with the 178 new cases of Covid-19 confirmed in a 24-hour period, the total number of active infections has reached 1,879. This is an 18% increase week after week and is more than double the number of active infections associated with schools in this period last month: 913. Overall, since the beginning of the school year, there are now 8,280 infections: at this point in the school year in 2020 there were 5,420.  Continue reading

Comites Toronto: the results of the vote and the elected representatives

TORONTO – ‘Comites’ elections in Toronto, there are the results: of the 12 seats available, 6 go to the list of the outgoing president Michela Di Marco, “Uniti per la Comunità 2021”, the remaining 6 are equally divided between the other two lists: “l’Italia che ci lega” and the civic list “Italiani in Canada”. In fact, therefore, there is parity between the winning list and the other two who with their elected representatives (3 + 3) reach the same number (6) as the representatives of the first list. Continue reading

Ontario, the virus does not give up and the restrictions will remain

TORONTO – Fewer tampons, fewer cases. The drop in new infections recorded today, 887 against 1,184 on Sunday, bodes well for only a few seconds: the time to look at the number of tests performed, that is 25,981 against 31,735 on Sunday. The positivity rate, in fact, rises from 3.2% to 3.5% in twenty-four hours and the moving average of daily cases calculated over seven days is now equal to 940, an increase both compared to today (926) and compared to as of a week ago (783). Three deaths were also recorded today, bringing the total number of deaths since the start of the pandemic in Ontario to 10,027.  Continue reading

Omicron, Paesi al bivio tra restrizioni e obbligo vaccinale

TORONTO – Cresce la preoccupazione legata alla variante Omicron in Canada e nel resto del mondo. Il nuovo ceppo, altamente contagioso rispetto al Covid-19 originario, ha costretto numerosi Paesi a riattivare restrizioni che erano state accantonate negli ultimi mesi e ha alimentato il dibattito sulla necessità di arrivare alla vaccinazione obbligatoria della popolazione… Read More in Corriere Canadese >>> 

Covid: chiuse altre scuole, oltre 8mila casi

TORONTO – Sono schizzati a oltre 8mila – 8.095 per la precisione – i contagi di Covid-19 nelle scuole dell’Ontario. Così come nella comunità tutta, anche nelle scuole sono in costante aumento i casi del tanto temuto virus: in base agli ultimi dati riportati sul sito del governo dell’Ontario venerdì scorso, nel giro delle ultime ventiquattrore le nuove infezioni si sono attestate a 172 delle quali 152 hanno interessato studenti mentre le scuole con almeno un caso di Covid-19 sono state 792, quelle chiuse dal picco di 16 della scorsa settimana sono scese a 9… Read More in Corriere Canadese >>>