Provveditorati, i “Signor so tutto io”

TORONTO – Alcuni consigli scolastici sembrano perdere l’orientamento. Il 7 dicembre, i fiduciari del Consiglio scolastico di Halton Catholic District School Board (HCDSB) si riuniranno per scegliere nuovi presidente e vicepresidente per il Provveditorato e le sue commissioni che li guideranno durante l’ultimo anno del mandato del consiglio prima delle elezioni del 2022. Patrick Murphy e Marvin Duarte occupano attualmente i due incarichi… Read More in Corriere Canadese >>> 

Status update of Covid-19 cases worldwide

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Here we provide a daily update of the data available for select countries and jurisdictions as of November 30, 2021, at 4:15 pm EST.

On Tuesday, Ontario reached a grim milestone after public health officials reported three more Covid-related deaths for a total of 10,000 fatalities attributable to the virus since the start of the pandemic. An additional 687 new infections were logged, pushing the total number of confirmed positive cases passed 618,400. Of the cumulative total number of cases, 97.3% are considered recovered. Continue reading

When Boards think they know better than the parents they serve

Some school boards seem to be losing their bearings. On December 7, the Halton Catholic District School Board (HCDSB) trustees will meet to choose a new Chair and Vice Chair for the Board and its Committees to lead them into the final year of the Board’s mandate before the 2022 election. Patrick Murphy and Marvin Duarte are the incumbents in the two senior positions.

The past three years have been challenging for the Board on several fronts. Board meetings have been characterized by factional divides and “dysfunctionality”. Continue reading

“Anima”: uno scambio tra Italia e Uzbekistan per scoprire la cultura tessile uzbeka

PESCARA – Nell’ambito del processo di internazionalizzazione dell’Università Europea del Design di Pescara, a fine 2019 è stato firmato un Protocollo d’Intesa (MOU) tra la UED e il Tashkent Institute of Textile and Light Industry (TITLI), con lo scopo di stimolare lo scambio culturale tra Italia e Uzbekistan attraverso la formazione e il reciproco scambio di know-how.  Continue reading