Covid vaccine, it’s the children’s turn

TORONTO – There are over 36 thousand appointments booked so far for the administration of the Covid-18 vaccine to children aged between 5 and 11 years. Today clinics, hospitals and pharmacies began to administer the first dose to children whose age falls within this range. So far in Toronto, 36,373 appointments have been booked out of the more than 49,086 total places available for children until December 11th.  Continue reading

New increase in infections in Ontario, 748. Quebec exceeds 900

TORONTO – The trend of the last few weeks is also confirmed in this one: at the arrival of the weekend, the infections rise and today they were 748, a sharp increase compared to the 591 of just 24 hours earlier. The seven-day moving average continues to rise, reaching 692 (a week ago it was 597). With 33,932 tests processed in the last 24 hours, the positivity rate rises to 2.6% from 2% a week ago.  Continue reading

Caos, accuse e veleni: a Ottawa si riparte da dove eravamo rimasti

TORONTO – A Ottawa si riparte esattamente come era finita la scorsa legislatura: accuse, polemiche, veleni. Il clima di bon ton istituzionale è durato pochissimo, tempo di eleggere il nuovo Speaker della Camera – con la riconferma dell’italocanadese Anthony Rota – e di ascoltare lo storico Discorso dal Trono della governatrice generale Mary Simon – il primo in inglese, francese e nella lingua Inuit – e nel parlamento canadese si è tornati alle vecchie buone maniere… Read More in Corriere Canadese >>> 

Calano i casi in Ontario, impennata in Quebec

TORONTO – Ancora un lieve calo dei contagi in Ontario che ieri ne ha registrati 519, contro i 613 di martedì, i 627 di lunedì, i 741 di domenica e i 728 di sabato. Altri 7 i decessi che portano il totale di morti in provincia, dall’inizio della pandemia, a 9.981. La media mobile dei nuovi casi sui sette giorni è ora pari a 686, sempre molto alta rispetto alla scorsa settimana quando era a 587… Read More in Corriere Canadese >>> 

Status update of Covid-19 cases worldwide

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Here we provide a daily update of the data available for select countries and jurisdictions as of November 24, 2021, at 4:30 pm EST.

On Wednesday, health officials in Greece logged 7,106 new infections, pushing the total number of confirmed positive cases passed 901 thousand. Of the cumulative total number of cases, 89.2% are considered recovered. In the last 24-hours, authorities have reported 95 Covid-related deaths for a total of 17,612 fatalities attributable to Covid-19.

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