Child poverty, it will take 54 years to eliminate it

TORONTO – Fifty-four years. At the current rate of improvement, it will take fifty-four years, according to Campaign 2000, to end child poverty. The alarm was raised by the movement which is a non-partisan network of 120 national, provincial and community partner organizations committed to working together to end the poverty of children and families: the new Campaign 2000 report found that more than 1.3 million Canadian children, or 17.7%, live below the poverty threshold indicated by Statistics Canada. “This is a fairly significant number of children who suffer from the damage caused by missed meals, not having suitable clothes and the absence of parents working for many hours,” said Leila Sarangi, national director of Campaign 2000. Continue reading

Canada, a global leader in ocean sustainability efforts

Oceans cover more than 70% of the Earth’s surface. We may be overlooking them as a source of renewable energy, whether thermal or mechanical. The oceans capture the sun’s heat while their currents, and waves generate mechanical power. Harnessing the power of this vast natural resource, while protecting its ecosystem and biodiversity were among the topics of discussion at the COP26 Summit.

Canada appears to be among global leaders when assessing ocean environment, marine activity, technology innovation, policy and regulation, as outlined in the MIT Technology Review: The Blue Technology Barometer 2021 Report (BTB).

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Chaos and accusations: in Ottawa we start again from where we left off

TORONTO – Ottawa starts again exactly as the last legislature ended: accusations, controversies, poisons. The climate of institutional bon ton lasted very little, time to elect the new Speaker of the House – with the reconfirmation of the Italian Canadian Anthony Rota – and to listen to the historic Speech from the Throne of the Governor General Mary Simon – the first in English, French and in the Inuit language – and in the Canadian parliament we returned to the old good manners.  Continue reading

Covid-19: cases drop in Ontario, surge in Quebec

TORONTO – Still a slight decline in infections in Ontario which today recorded 519, against 613 on Tuesday, 627 on Monday, 741 on Sunday and 728 on Saturday. Another 7 deaths bringing the total deaths in Ontario, since the beginning of the pandemic, to 9,981. The seven-day moving average of new cases is now at 686, still very high from last week when it was at 587. Ontario laboratories processed nearly 30,100 tests today, producing a positive rate of 2.5%, unchanged from a week ago.  Continue reading

Gli optometristi riprendono gli esami oculistici

TORONTO – Riprendono i negoziati tra gli optometristi dell’Ontario e il governo provinciale dopo i tentativi falliti di arrivare a una soluzione nel braccio di ferro per settore delle cure oculistiche. Come “segno di buona fede” durante il processo di negoziazione, l’Ontario Association of Optometrists (OAO) ha ripreso le visite oculistiche per i pazienti assicurati dall’OHIP, compresi bambini e anziani… Read More in Corriere Canadese >>> 

Lotta alla pandemia, economia e ambiente le priorità di Trudeau

TORONTO – Azione di contrasto alla pandemia, difesa dell’ambiente, pieno rilancio dell’economia. Sono queste le tre priorità annunciate dal governo liberale attraverso il Discorso dal Trono letto ieri in Senato dalla governatrice Generale Mary Simon. Un discorso dalla valenza storica quello della rappresentante della Regina, perché fatto per la prima volta non solo in inglese e francese, ma anche in Inuktitut, lingua Inuit… Read More in Corriere Canadese >>> 

Ontario: contagi su, chiuse dieci scuole

TORONTO – Il numero di scuole dell’Ontario chiuse a causa dell’epidemia di Covid-19 ha raggiunto per la prima volta la doppia cifra dall’inizio di quest’anno scolastico. In seguito alla decisione di trasferire a partire da ieri gli studenti della Grenoble Public School, che si trova nel quartiere di Flemingdon Park, all’apprendimento a distanza, sono ora 10 le scuole dell’Ontario chiuse… Read More in Corriere Canadese >>> 

Ontario: nuovi contagi, media in aumento: +16%

TORONTO – Leggero calo dei nuovi casi di Covid-19 in Ontario, ieri: la provincia ha registrato 613 infezioni, contro le 627 di lunedì e le 741 domenica. La media mobile sui sette giorni è ora pari a 675, per un aumento del 16,5% rispetto a una settimana fa, quando era pari a 579. Sono stati 20.000 i test elaborati ieri in Ontario, per un tasso di positività del 3,1%… Read More in Corriere Canadese >>>