Camera, Rota ancora Speaker. O’Toole nel mirino dei conservatori ribelli

TORONTO – L’italocanadese Anthony Rota è stato rieletto Speaker della Camera. Alla vigilia l’esito della votazione alla House of Commons appariva abbastanza scontato, visto che nella passata legislatura Rota aveva soddisfatto tutti i partiti per il suo approccio bipartisan. Intanto, mentre sono ripartiti i lavori parlamentari dopo la lunga pausa pre e post elettorale, il leader tory Erin O’Toole è sempre nel mirino. Il segretario del Partito Conservatore deve infatti fare i conti con una fronda interna che potrebbe scaturire in aperta ribellione nelle prossime settimane… Read More in Corriere Canadese >>> 

Vaccino Covid bimbi, via alle prenotazioni

TORONTO – A partire da oggi i genitori di bambini dai 5 ad 11 anni possono prenotare un appuntamento per far somministrare ai loro figli il vaccino contro il Covid-19. Lo ha confermato ieri il ministero della Salute precisando che già dal 25 novembre – quando cliniche e siti di immunizzazione inizieranno a ricevere le forniture del vaccino per uso pediatrico – potrebbero prendere il via le vaccinazioni… Read More in Corriere Canadese >>> 

Status update of Covid-19 cases worldwide

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Here we provide a daily update of the data available for select countries and jurisdictions as of November 22, 2021, at 5:00 pm EST.

On Monday, health officials in Germany logged 40,414 new infections, pushing the total number of confirmed positive cases passed 5.4 million. Of the cumulative total number of cases, 85.8% are considered recovered. In the last 24-hours, authorities have reported 204 Covid-related deaths for a total of 99,817 fatalities attributable to Covid-19.

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Ontario: kids ages 5-11 will be eligible to book COVID-19 shot starting today

TORONTO – Starting tomorrow, parents of children aged 5 to 11 can book an appointment to have their children given the Covid-19 vaccine. This was confirmed today by the Ministry of Health specifying that as early as November 25 – when clinics and immunization sites will begin to receive supplies of the vaccine for pediatric use – vaccinations could start.  Continue reading

Ontario, more new Covid cases among vaccinated

TORONTO – Today’s news is not in the number of new Covid-19 cases recorded (627, down from 741 on Sunday but up from 552 a week ago), but in the vaccination status of the majority of the infected. Of today’s infections in Ontario, in fact, 286 concern fully vaccinated people, 282 unvaccinated people, 36 concern people with unknown vaccination status and 23 with a dose of the vaccine. Thus, for the first time, infections in vaccinated people outnumbered those in unvaccinated individuals.  Continue reading

Canadian prices on the rise forcing consumers to spend more

The holiday shopping season is in full swing. This year’s outlook is forecasted to be better than last year, according to Deloitte Canada. The accounting organization that specializes in professional services like audit, consulting and financial advisory suggests shoppers are likely to spend an estimated average of $1,841 this holiday season, an increase of 31%, compared to the $1,405 spent last year.

With over 75% of eligible Canadians fully vaccinated against Covid-19 combined with heightened consumer confidence, it’s understandable that more people are likely to venture out this year to celebrate and spend more doing so. Yet, not all appears to be positive.

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Il professor Francesco Braga: “Promuovere l’Italianità e migliorare i servizi consolari”

TORONTO – Il professor Francesco Braga, candidato della Lista Civica Italiani in Canada, lista 3 nelle prossime elezioni dei ComItEs – i Comitati degli Italiani all’Estero – a Toronto (previste per il prossimo 3 dicembre), ha inviato al Corriere Canadese una lettera per presentarsi agli elettori. Eccola… Read More in Corriere Canadese >>>